Monday, October 20, 2008

Come on already!

I still feel lousy. I haven't been hungry all day. I worked my 1st job no problem because I was on the go go go. Eddie had no idea how severe the robbery had been. He and Virgie both felt real bad for me. It was nice to be in an environment where people care about me.

I arrived to teach tonight but I was all jittery and rushing through the review. I finally just told the class that I was a little "off" tonight and that I had been robbed the other night. They were of course upset for me and told me they were sorry. Some of the guys offered knuckle sandwiches to the jerks who did this to me. Several expressed surprised that I didn't cancel class. So I taught both classes for a while and then ended it sooner than normal. I said I'd be back to my old self by Thursday and I feel I will. Tonight I was to introduce giving directions such as in a hallway and that is every ASL teacher's least favorite subject to teach and the students usually get frustrated with that so I just decided to spare all of us.

Jack is on his way to pick me up. I am ready to go home and just chill. I feel a little better but not as much as I had hope. I know I need to give it time. Its just a weird place to be in right now.

One of the two friends who I am mad at, defended her decision not to see me Saturday night. I am disappointed by her response. I realize she considers it a matter of self-preservation but other than maybe being a little uncomfortable, what did she have to lose just by trying? I just wished she had tried. Now I feel like its another set back in the never-ending saga between my friend and my boyfriend. Its been almost a year of this crap, me being in the middle. At least Jack was willing to try and move forward even though he deep down inside didn't want to but was willing to for my sake.

I still haven't received any emails from my other friend. I feel hurt by this as well. I know she has a lot on her plate but a few lines in an email would've shown she cared.

Lately I feel like I am a whinny, complainer and I don't mean to be. I know when I get home, I will watch some Star Trek episodes and escape reality for a little bit. I think that's just what I need.

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