Friday, October 24, 2008

Police Report # Accomplished!

Finally after all week of Jack calling we have the police report nbr and can finally move forward with the insurance. But guess what the deductible is? $130 smackaroos, almost as much as I paid for it! So far it has cost Jack and I almost $300 in terms of criminal activity in the past few weeks! His car being vandalized and me being robbed has made this one of the crappiest month by far.

Tonights classes went much better, I wore a skirt with cool stockings that were sheer black with black flowers. My students commented asking me if I had a "hot" date. Nah I just wanted to look nice especially after Jack gave me a bunch of roses last night (wed). I was so surprised when I came home and saw them in the living room. It was so sweet of him to do this for me. They were a mix of pink and red roses.

I am so ready for my visit to PA over Halloween weekend. I need a change of scenery and I am sure it looks like fall back in my hometown. I love the smell of fall, like a fireplace burning and the crisp cold air. Speaking of cold air, both Baba and Jack have been wanting me to get a new winter coat. Saying my old one doesn't do me justice. But to me a coat is a coat, basically to keep me warm. Anyways I've decided to cave in this year and let them pick out a new one for me. Baba brought me sunglasses at the end of summer that I recieved a lot of good comments about. It has inspired me to let her sense of style mesh with mine.

Not much else is new, my Imac hasnt been coorperating with me, something is wrong with the graphics. I must take it in this weekend to be serviced 1 last time before my warranty expires in November.

Lastly Rusty and I have FINALLY decided on a thesis topic. I will compare gender/ethnic differences for NMM on Y/N questions and WH-questions. Yay! I actually like this topic and am curious to the results of my findings. I am going to start preparing over the holiday break later in Dec and just take a break from thinking about it. Because I've been thinking about it nonstop since last June. Its nice to have a set topic that can actually be done this time. Next year I can always do a compairson on teaching methods like I had planned to this year. It would be nice to do research that might be published down the road. See see?

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