Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What the frell!

As Rygel would say. Right now my 1 friend and I are at odds over a difference of opinions and basically she's saying she's ending the friendship based on what I've said. I feel really hurt by this person's response to me and instead of agreeing to disagree I am being told every thing I've ever done wrong according to her. I am amazed at how much credit she gives me for the decisions she's made on her own. She wants to blame me for a guy she dated well over a year because when she approached me about communication difficulties I suggested that she tell him it needed to improve or get rid of him. But since that time the story has changed to him sexually abusing her and me saying she should stay with him. Hello, why would she even think such a thing! All I ever wanted for her was to be happy.

It really irks me because I've stood up for her to numerous people who said I am nuts for being friends with this woman. She writes to tell me that all my friends have bailed out on me since Jack has come into my life. I am like, who? Nutter, gee whiz I am devasted. In fact last year I was too busy to maintain any friendship and only saw her, Blondie and Martin. I am not in any danger of losing friends despite what she would like me to believe. I don't give a rat ass if Jack doesn't meet the Deaf world standards. He is a hardcore NYer, not exactly all smiles and zen like. He doesnt trust anyone, be it deaf or hearing. He will find his own place when he is ready, I am not worried about it to be honest. I am more interested in his willingness to sign with me than become deeply involved in the deaf world. He has his own belief system and is entitled to it.

But other than this drama, I am finally feeling like myself again. Yesterday flew by and today has too. I've already finished my powerpoint for tmw nights classes, graded papers, etc., etc.. I have been having trouble obtaining the police report nbr for the SK insurance which I hope I get very soon. Otherwise I will just go into the police station this weekend and get a copy then.


Anonymous said...


Good ridence, you don't need her in your life to make u feel badly about yourself. She is trouble, as your Baba and I have been telling u for some time. Glad it doesn't bother u and that u can go on with your life. I am your biggest fan and love u best. Guess who?

Anonymous said...

She still doesn't know her shit from her oatmeal. Enough said.

Anonymous said...

Some people don't deserve the loyalty of friends like you. They're so wrapped up in themselves and what they're about, they have no room to be good friends to others. Mental disability is not to be under-estimated in their personality flaws. That doesn't mean they should be granted special privileges that they don't deserve. I believe this person has shown even good, generous Jenny that she's not a worthwhile friend and never could be. Dump her! The good times are far outweighed by the bad. Baba

deafeningchameleon said...

But I still care about her and I don't wish for our friendship to end. I know none of you want to see/hear this but its true. I see the good in her, I see someone who was badly damaged while growing up.

I can't change what has happened, and I willtry to move forward. It hurts me to lose her because in some ways, shes one of the few eople I can catlk to who knows and understand how I feel.

anyhoo, on ward and upwards!