Monday, November 17, 2008

The decided names

I feel like I have finally settled on 2 names for my turtles. I believe I have 1 male and 1 female. The female, her shell has a distinctive mark and I will call her Morticia from the Aadams Family. But the male will not be known as Gomez. Nope, he will be known as Rygel from Farscape. He is deafinitely the 'scardey cat' one out of the two. He only wants to be out of hiding when no one is around. Morticia she's braver and will timidly hang out in the water where I can watch her but if I move too suddenly or come to close to the tank, she goes MIA too.

I hope when they get older, they're more visible ;-]

Today was a pretty good day. My 1st class tonight was a little hard to control, they're a great group of kids but TOO much talking while the 2nd class, PURR-fect. Let's see what the 2nd semester brings me.

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