Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Shaving my head!

Whenever I get sick I always have these crazy dreams. Last night I dreamt I was back in my old house on Brookfield rd (hence the name of my blog). I dreamt I got into a fight with Jack so in retaliation I decided to take an electric shaver and shave my head. I started right in the middle of my hair so there would be no turning back. I remember he walked in as I was doing it, I was in the bathroom, the one in the basement with the toilet that never worked looking in the mirror as I did it. It felt so liberating! I was worried Baba would be mad at me because during my time at Gally every year there's an event called 'bald freshmen day' where all freshmens shave their heads. I knew she would be offended if I ever did it, where I would end up looking like a neo-nazi. As well as all the victims of the holocaust and being a Jew you just don't do that.

So it was twilight outside in the yard and I remember looking at the rows of tomatoes that my grandfather, Papa had planted and we were having a gathering of some sort. Nancy and David arrived and Nancy exclaims I LOVE your hair! I had left a long piece of hair in the front and I don't know why. I kept wondering if Jack would still think I was pretty and so I walked over to him and he replied he HATED it! That I looked UGLY. But then Baba came over, by now I am in her bedroom at the old house and she tells me I look beautiful and isn't mad at me for shaving off my hair. I begin to wonder if my head is nicely round or did I have a weird shaped head? But I am quickly reassured I have a perfect round head and that others would kill for my head.

Soon after that it becomes clear that its the weekend and there's a large family reunion that my intermediate family didn't inform me of. For some reason they are not interested but I am. I met Ashton Kutcher who apparently is my cousin in my dream. He doesn't really want to talk to me, even tho I make the effort to talk to him saying he knows my friend Ty from a movie they did together. It turns out that Ty is his cousin which I remark is really cool. Then he walks off, not even saying goodbye to me. My extended family is huge, we're all in a restaurant and I meet a female cousin who's a little younger than me and lives in Pittsburgh and we decided to go out and about. Suddenly I am back in Pittsburgh and we hit a record store with real records. Ironically the entrance is locked and can only open if the people inside buzz you in. The owner doesn't like my cousin who works there and won't let us in. We leave to go and do other things. I remember being so happy to have a family member my own age and to be able to do things with. I invite her to visit me anytime in NYC.

That's about all I remember from this dream. I also remember being excited about how long it will take for my hair to grow back and would it be curly or at least wavy when it does? And I was so happy that I had done it and Baba wasn't mad at me.

Now I don't use a dream symbol book but I do believe that when I dream of my old house, that represents my mind and the past. Shaving my hair could mean that I am trying to shed a layer about myself or something in my life or that I want freedom. I am not sure but it was an intense dream.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jen, last night I dreamed me Dave Bobby and ma were at Glen Moore. Other people owned it but they let us in to see it, as long as we were out til they got back. They built 3 extra sets of stairs to the cellar - like secret passages. One led from ma's built in drawers. Ma started to cook supper and we had a heckuva time getting her to leave. Funny thing, I dreamed about those passages before, years ago. See you at Thanksgiving!! Heart, Nancy

deafeningchameleon said...

Seems to me that the secret passages represents more than 1 solution to an old dilema? The fact that it has been a recurring theme makes me suspect your mind is trying to tell you something symbolically but only you would know what it means. Thats why I generally do not follow dream dictionaries but rather symbolically what things represent in our dreams. Interestingly enough when I researched shaving my head, it made reference to Samson who's hair was cut off and he lost all of his strength after that.
See you in a week and a half!