Wednesday, September 05, 2012

1st day back status report

As usual my 1st day back to school curse continued but this time I handled it with grace. Despite my laptop (a 2nd & new one) committing suicide the day before I was grateful I had the forethought to get the syllabus & class schedules mostly done before my Sexy German came to visit me this past Labor day weekend. Whew! So in order to be ready for my 1st day I got to work an hour early and printed out the syllabus. Plus I quickly reviewed & printed out my 'welcome back' ppt. I used the doc camera instead of ppt today and that's fine. Both classes went smoothly & I feel I covered my syllabus with the needed details to my satisfaction. And I taught the students fingerspelling ABCs & #1-10 so this way I at least taught. Both classes only lasted 45 mins today come Monday it will be a full length class.
How different it feels this year compared to last! Last year I was a student & a teacher and I had just finished my 2nd anatomy course a few weeks prior to Fall '11. I was so stressed then by the lack of time and energy! My ex had talked me into letting him stay with me to try to work things out even though I knew it was a bad idea and it was! I let him stay a short while before kicking him out forever! We were never going to work, we just couldn't and too much had been damaged beyond repair. So this year I thought I be single, and well on my way to becoming the Crazy Cat Lady and bam! Mr. Handsome strolled back into my life and I was smitten! Its nice having a boyfriend again.
Soon I'm off to teach at the other school. Decided to take the train. I don't want to deal with evening traffic! I love using my car during the day no problem, but I am going to do my best to avoid it in the evenings via train/bus! Spending some time with Tom my BastardKitty before I go :] He is the best roommate ever!

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