Friday, January 26, 2007

Bad manners on Wall St.

Lately people's bad manners have really been getting on my nerves. I can't stand rude or inconsiderate people. Like those who let the door slam right in your face. Or being plain old unfriendly and unkind. Yesterday Clyde had a rough day, it seems Wall Street is as racist as they come. The doormen nazis at his apt decided neither I being the defective girlfriend nor Gabe his other friend who is Spanish and grew up in Harlem area should have the right to grace their lobby with our presence. Apparently yesterday they wanted to run a background check on Gabe. They even asked Gabe "whats up with that guy's girlfriend?" meaning my deaf voice and probably for not wearing 5th ave attire. I am very disappointed for Clyde's sakes as he was so happy to move in there and at that location. This has turned into a bitter experience for all involved. He is now looking to move elsewhere because he's not a superficial person like most of them down there are. That's fine by me, I never liked the area nor did I feel comfortable in that environment where diversity is sneered on and there's little warmth or manners among them. I get treated better in Harlem manner-wise any day of the week then I do down on Wall Street.

Not feeling so great today, dragged myself into work yesterday and ending up cancelling teaching last night. I just wasnt well. I went home and spent the evening reading and on aim with Clyde cheering him up from the incident that occurred at his apt yesterday.

Today I am still tired but I promised Eddie I come in today and now that I am here, they don't need me. I am gonna head back home to bed. I should be back on my feet by tmw. I have to as I am meeting two students tmw to edit their student films.

Tonight I will see Blondie and Szymanski and hang out at Blondie's apt to catch up on the new episodes of Rome :D

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