Friday, March 23, 2007

*1 train rumbles by*

Most of the time, I can feel the train when I am watching tv at my apt. Its kinda neat cuz I see the 1 trains go by all the time from my living room window. Before I moved here I used to ride the 1 train (past this location) on my way home to either Washington Heights or Harlem. I would look at the buildings thru the train windows, wondering who lived there. Now I wonder if someone else on the train is doing what I used to do before I moved here?? And I'm looking right back out at them, wondering instead, "Who's riding the trains?"

Been missing my old job as a resident advisor. Working with the kids, helping them with their homework, scheduling sports, drama and other activities. Celebrating the holidays with them. I contacted my old job on Wednesday to leave a msg for three friends/former co workers. I learned one of them isnt there anymore. It made me wonder what happened and why he left? I hope the other two actually get the msg? See see. I am conflicted when it comes to working in a school environment. On the one hand I LOVE kids and doing things with them, be it homework or an art project. Its all good. Then on the other hand, there's all these policies (the evil adminstration) and the famous red tape. Plus the unsigned fear of being accused of something such as sexual abuse or what have yous? I mean its sad but there are some sick enuff pre teens out there that could tell someone their staff at the deaf school did X on X day... even if it turns out the kid has lied for its own revenge, then what? Your name is ruined anyways. Doesn't matter if you worked at the school for years and years, once you have been accused of something in the lines of sexual abuse and within or near an educational setting, youre doubly screwed. Sad how deaf schools and schools in general has gotten to this point.

Nyhoo, THROUGH DEAF EYES was excellent. I was so impress how many areas it touched on, history, culture, ASL, controversial issues, etc etc. I may have not liked all of the people who were asked to speak during the special but a majority of them I felt did a good job representing what and how many of us feel. I thought it was done tastefully and I am glad to have had a chance to see it with Blondie and Szymanski. I will also add that there were some parts that for me were hard to watch because it hit so close to home. Not in a bad way (sometimes) but overall you just feel better knowing you are one of MANY who go thru the same things. The same old tired song and dance when it comes to methods of communication and cultural participations within the Deaf and hearing worlds.

Saw Nutter a little while ago, discussed what kind of presentation materials we want to use and how to present it. We're gonna have some mock practice during Sunday's brunch. Which means for me, that tmw night, when a bunch of us are gonna go dancing, I gotta be home at a reasonable hour. That way when I go to brunch on Sunday late morning, I don't alarm the NY residents with my raccoon eyes and pale white skin. As for tmw night's dancing, I am looking forward to it. All except getting dress for it. I still got some winter weight to shed. I know, I know, everyone has to do damage control from the holiday eatings. But the older you get, the worse it seems. Every spring around this time, everyone is muttering about their weight.

This morning starting gathering all the little things, bits of makeup, business cards, lotion, knick knacks etc etc. Ive piled them on the table in the living room and have seriously either got to throw some away or pack away some of it. I am trying for the minimalist approach for a change... sorta, kinda, well I am gonna try. Or as Yoda says "There is no try. Only do."


Anonymous said...

I loved the first paragraph about the 1 train. It was so evocative.

deafeningchameleon said...

Hi Baba
thank you so much for the lovely comment
see you SATURDAY!!