Monday, March 26, 2007

Just am

Woke up on and off last night (kinda in a daze today). Not sad, mad or happy, just am. This weekend I finally got a lot of the apt organized. Some of my stuff will go into Sweet's storage space to free up more room at my place. We didn't go dancing last Sat night, it was rainy and cold. Everyone kinda agreed it wasnt the right now for dancing, so Sweets and I went and visited with Cain and Blondie.

Yesterday I spent the afternoon in Soho with King, trying to find sponsors for NYDT. We made some progress and then met up with the others for Indian dinner (vegeterian) and it was good! I was surprised cuz I normally don't like vegeterian food. Then when I got home, Joe Joy swung by for a few hours. We got a chance to really catch up and gab. Sweets joined us a little while later. After Joe Joy left, Sweets and I got into this dumb argument. We have been doing very good lately but every now and then we relaspe. That's normal but at least it wasn't a major fight nor are we upset about it today. We agreed it was stupid and to forget about it. I agree, some things are best left alone.

Lately Sweets has been running now that the weather is warmer. I am not much of a runner but I figure I'll try jogging with him sometime soon. I myself prefer to bike ride but I have no bike and there's really not many places to ride in Manhattan without dealing with the cars and pedestrians.

Tmw before I go to my 3pm appt, I plan to do some editing, havent edited in weeks! Bad I know. Between work, my apt being a mess and NYDT havent had much time for editing. I gotta start scheduling in the time. I dont like to edit at the end of the day when my mind is tired. I prefer when I wake up or in the afternoons, early evening but not after a LONG day out and about.

Hmmm.... not a whole lot new is happening. I am so looking forward to going to PA this Saturday for Passover.

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