Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Minnesota's Deaf Shootings & Suicide

Curt Slater was recently shot by a guy name Paul Koster who then killed himself. Ridor speculates it could be based on infidelity issues on the Koster's behalf. Man what can I say? I knew Curt back at MSSD. We weren't friends but we weren"t enemies. Overall I never thought he was a very nice guy. But I didn't know him as an adult. Kinda forgot about him till tonight when I saw his name on Ridor's blog. You can read more about it at wwco.

I think the last few times I saw Curt was on Gally campus mid 90s when I transferred there from Pitt University. I feel very bad for the little girl who has to grow up around this. It'll probably be another "Dupree" syndrome...

Reminded me about that one deaf guy who killed I think a woman about 4 or 5 years ago. I think he was originally from Boston but the murder may have taken place elsewhere. He was 2 or 3 years ahead of me at MSSD. I only knew him a short while. I saw him about a year before he committed the muder(s) at a coffee/bar house in DC..He was smoking cigerrattes just like he did back in HS.. I was friendly with him, he was very tall and skinny. That one surprised me more than Curt above.

One last thing, as I was reading the comment's left on Ridor's blog about Curt Slater I was kinda surprised at the backlash. I mean come on, this story was gonna leak out one way or another. You know what they say in the hearing world "Don't Hate the Player, Hate the Game!"

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