Friday, March 30, 2007

Basking in the Sun

Being a true LEO at heart, I am soaking in the warmer weather and sunlight filled days like today. I feel energetic and wanting to be outside as much as possible. Stopped by work to print out forms. Then went to Szymanski for a mid afternoon lunch (thanks to the printer not cooperating with me!) Joe Joy happened to join us and it was so nice to sit in the dinning area of her apt with the windows open and the view of the street. Just a lovely day.

Later I rendezvous with Nutter for a mini stragetic planning for NYDT. He was on his way to Knob's MET tour but unfortunately I couldnt go due to other commitments. That commitment was my Sweets last min dental surgery on Thurs a.m.. Yep, I was Florence Nightingales for a change, and I was glad to be able to be there for him. He is recovering just nicely and it was sweet how Baba and my friends emailed me yesterday and today checking up on him. We are very fortunate to have so many people care about our well being.

Stopped by Blondie's apt, just missed her by mere minutes. Instead hung out with Cain for a bit before hitting Zabars and Circuit City and then home to be with Sweets. The NYDT's Pool Tourney is coming along too, got a new gift certificate today for the raffle, whee... we're at $1,000 + value in prizes as of now, and it will continue to grow in the next two weeks!

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