Monday, April 28, 2008

Thigh Jiggle Dance...

Well its official, my diet starts today.
Yep the past few weeks with all the colds
I had and my back problems, I've been
packing on a few extra pounds, er ok,
about 8 extra pounds and now I have a gut!
This past weekend was Jacks bday so
of course eating sensibly went straight out
the window. But after the chocolate cake
with marshmallow frosting that Jack's
Mom brought by for Jacks bday yesterday
I vowed the diet starts today.

For breakfast I've had 1 red apple, 1.5 cups
of cheerios, raspberry-lime seltzer water
and 11 doritos Fiery Habanero chips for a
total of 350 calories or 7 weight watchers
points. My goal is to eat no more than 20-25
pts a day (that's roughly 2000-2500 calories).

The next few days are gonna be
rough because as anyone who's ever diet
before, knows all you can think about is your
next meal. Already I'm planning on tuna
sandwich for lunch, with mango/peach
apple sauce and 11 more fiery habanero
dorito chips. Hey, at least I'm honest
about my thought process when it comes
to dieting.

Plus May is right around the
corner which means getting out my summer
clothes and doing the thigh jiggle dance.
Any woman knows exactly what I mean.
Its when you put on a pair of shorts or
knee skirt and check yourself out in a full
length mirror for jiggling when walking,
drooping knees and the all dreaded celluite
aka cottage cheese factory on the back
of your legs. Its not pretty and this yearly
event is accompany with a box of tissues,
pulling out every DVD/VHS or book you own
on exercising and if you have a bf or gf,
depends which team you're playing for,
having them reassure you, its not as bad
as you think it is. And often they will
kiss the problem area to prove their point,
while you blow your nose and wipe away the
tears over your hated thighs. Knowing they're
lying but you love them for trying to
convince you, you're more than your thighs!

Anyways, I got hooked on weight watchers
through my Grandmother back in 1998 or so
when I was up to a 155 lbs, a size 10/12.
Back then I was on the depro vera shots for
birth control. Its the kind of birth control
shot that you get every 3 months and
you don't get a period. While this was a
great bc, no periods! But it made me
always hungry! The reason why you don't
get a period on this type of birth control
is because it fools your body into thinking
your preggars. Well my body for 2 years
thought I was preggars and I ate like one.
That's why I got to the 155 lb mark.
But after 1 summer of weight watchers
and swimming every day. I lost the excess
weight and went to a nice even size 10.

Since moving to NYC I've gone down 1 dress
size from a 10 to an 8 and my weight has been
usually 132-140, right now its at 145, a big no
no for me. Only my size 10 clothes are
fitting me right now and its depressing for
me to put on shirts or pants that are just a
tad bit tighter than I can stand.

Anyhoo if during the next few days I write
odes to food and snap pictures of food I
wish to be stuffing into my piehole, you'll
know why ;-)


Anonymous said...

Good for you, Jens. Remember, the weight didn't go on fast (although it may seem like it did) and it won't go off fast. Just keep plugging away. And when you fall off, don't give up; just get back on the horse and start galloping again. I know you'll succeed because you have a lot of self-discipline.

deafeningchameleon said...

Hey Baba
I did pretty good on my 1st day, approx 25 pts! I plan to take a "before" and after pix as soon as I buy a scale. And I also want to get my weights out of storage to tone up some.