Wednesday, April 02, 2008

The wonderful world of Couplehood

I was at Penn Station waiting for the
2/3 uptown trains. I noticed this older
couple, and they were peering about,
obvious TOURists! So I said to the man
what are you looking for? He just gave
me a look like I was a fly bothering him.
But his wife/gf came right over to me
and said they were looking for the 1 train.
I pointed out where it was located and
explained they were at the express
track, they wanted the local train. She
of course was happy and gave him a look
of "I told you so!" and he begrudingly
followed her down the steps.

Jack and I had this dumb spat last nite.
And it really sucks because I hate when
we fight/argue. Someone always walks
away hurt. We solved it already but it
was a lousy way to end what was a
perfectly nice day. He and I hardly argue
anymore so I am grateful for that and
know we can't go through life without
ever fighting. But damnit, I'm gonna try!
As for living together, we work really
well together. Our apt is so clean, you
could eat off the floor if you wanted to!
Ofc Jack doesn't want anyone eating
ANYTHING off the floor ;)

We still need to buy a microwave. There
was this really cool red retro one at
Target a few weeks ago that I wanted
to buy but Jack vetoed it. But then we
negiotated that he would pick out the
curtain for the living room so when I can
I'm getting me that microwave (I'm
hoping its still in stock or available on-

Mostly we need right now are, pots and
pans. A set of matching towels (Jack
wants to buy this, as he knows what
brand he likes). Set of matching dishes,
I will choose the pattern. Something mod
ofc. Eventually we need to get some kind
of cabinet fixture for our kitchen. There's
just NO room. Mom brought me a ton of
Tupperware and I can't begin to fathom
where I will put it all. I may have to pick
and choose which ones to bring back to
NYC from Passover. I also need a small
foot stool for the top kitchen cupboards
and for the storage area above our ONLY
closet (in the whole apt) located in our

Later this month is Jacks bday. I'm at lost
what to buy a guy who lives for technology.
Even if I had money to buy him a cool
gadget I wouldn't know which one to buy?
Last year I got him several things but the
best gift I brought him was a sushi set.
Hmm we need to get that out of storage
as well.

On Friday I will attend the show
LAGCC for the CJ Jones comedy
show with my friend Martin. King and I
will SSP for him for the show. Then after-
wards hit DPHH. I'm their newest
photographer so make sure you SMILE
when you see me with the camera! Then
Saturday, I'm volunteering for MICA.
I did the same last weekend and met
some really nice people. Not many old faces
from 2 years ago. Some people still hold
grudges against Jade. While she may have
made some mistakes, she did the best
she could. And when we met up last weekend
she even told me she knew she made
mistakes but what else can she do other
than to learn from them and move on. Lifes
too short to stew over past errors. I say
let bygones be bygones.

Missing some of my friends who live else-
where like Sorry, Pate, Ronnie, Karen, Dj,
Mark, Flash, Dan and so on. I want to
go to DC this spring after I'm done student
teaching, which by the way I only have 90
more hours to go! Like Ronnie always says

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow.
Learn as if you were to live forever."
- Mahatma Gandhi

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Target really has some wonderful things, especially for young people just starting out. I'd look at dishes there, too. If the red micro is no longer there when you go back to purchase it, let me know. We have a Target here in Lancaster. They must be online as well. Baba