Sunday, April 20, 2008

Two can play this BULLSHIT GAME

Ok my side of the story...

Szymanski and I are through. I'm tired of
tip toeing around a so called "friend."
I'm tired of worrying what I say will
cause a major scene in public. I'm tired
of what I write to her will be used against
me later in her blog. Most of all, I'm just
tired of Szymanski and jumping thru
hoops to prove that I'm a loyal friend. I'm
not the one who drives people away such
as Ty and Joe Joy. I respect other peoples
boundaries and want only their happiness.
I don't waste my time feeling jealous
of my friends based on their looks, academic
achievements, job opportunity, hearing
status or whatever else Szymanski
spends her time doing.

She wonders why I didn't want to meet
Floyd. The reaosn why I didn't want her
to be jealous if he happened to talk to
me specifically instead of her. Its happened
in the past with her sex/fuck buddy John
who is a film maker. She would scream and
cry if he said so much as a hello to me.
And poor VA, she is getting the brunt of
the whole Floyd fiasco!

Szyamnski emails me every few weeks questioning
my loyalty. And every few weeks I would
remind her I have 2 pt jobs and student
teach the rest of the time. But did it
make a difference? NO! Unlike her, I
WORK! I attended school, and did the
work needed in order to get a degree.
I certainly don't sit around trying to
convince everyone around me, that I'm
the smartest person in the room. If
she's so damn smart, why did she fuck
up 2 jobs I helped her get? Her response
is she doesn't care about the bosses,
only her students. Well duh! It doesn't
matter if you like the BOSS, that's not
relevant, what matters is if you
conduct yourself in a professional
manner on the job and she DIDN'T!

Now she's blogging about Jack, using
his full name and basically lying or
distorting the truth to make herself
look favorable in comparison to him.
plus she has the NERVE to say Jack
thinks women can be raped because
they're dress provactively. That's NOT
what he said. What he said was a
woman dress in a way that calls
attention to herself and goes walking
around in the middle of the night, isn't
exactly the smartest thing to do. It
would in a way increase the woman's
chance of being raped. Never did he say
she deserves it. Just that a person
needs to be proactive and aware of
their environment. Same concept, if
you leave your keys in the ignition of
a car, and someone stole your car. You
didn't deserve it, but you sure didn't
help yourself either. But instead of
telling the truth she wants to do
damage to his name and now she
tells me she's afraid of Jack. How
convienent. If that's the case, why
write about him REPEATEDLY in her
blog if she's so afraid?

Jack has seen Szyamnski 1x since
last christmas at Cains apt.. He was
civil and so was she. She wasn't afraid
of him that day. And she hasn't been
contacted by Jack either. So what is
she afraid of? I think its another one of
her victim mentality working, finding a
way to get people to feel sorry for her,
is something she excels in. Only problem
is I don't feel sorry for her. I feel
disgusted for all the times I ever stood
up for her when she acted like an ass,
which was numerous times.

I have NEVER known someone who enjoys
being a victim as much as she does. When
does her action have consquences? When
will people around her stop tip toeing and
living in fear she'll blow up again? When
will Szymanski APOLOGIZE for her repeated

I blame her a lot for Jacks bad experience
within the Deaf community. When we started
dating he was learning ASL. Fast forward a
few months and every time Beth sees
Jack, she would lecture him on how to
act in the deaf community or try to
force ASL lessons on him when he wasn't
interested. Then it got to the point where
he stopped trying. And did she let up? NO,
she kept at him and only recently since
she no longer is welcomed in my home,
Jack has been signing more and has expressed
interest in attending deaf events, as long
as she isn't there. Jack can't enjoy him-
self as long as she there, being needy,
butting into conversations that do not
concern her and then throwing a fit
when people don't cave into her whims.
I'm not gonna allow someone like this
in my home who won't take responsibility
for their actions, regardless of the causes.

Everyone has skeletons in their closets.
But what matters is how you deal with
those issues. Do you use it to excuse
your behavior all the time or? She's being
a major BITCH right now. Saying she's
finally telling the truth. So what does
that mean? That's she been lying all
this time? She NEVER ever acknowledge
Jack's concerns which were the following;

-her inability to control herself both in
private and in public

-her tendency to overstay her welcome

-her tendency to smear any man's name
who doesn't comply to her wishes or
think she's the hottest woman on the

GROW UP Szymanski, this is not 1993,
Its 2008! Stop being so immature.
Stop playing the victim and learn
to deal with problems in a manner
that's acceptable. Or if you can't at
least APOLOGIZE when you do become
out of control which is often.

This is the 2nd friend in my entire life
I've cut ties with. I don't easily throw
away friendships, but I certainly
don't feel as if there's a friendship
left to save when it means everything
has to be Szymanski's way or she'll
have a temper trantrum. She has no
idea how often she embarrasses
people with her actions.

And Im not gonna miss her Martyr routines!
So LONG SZYMANSKI, good riddance!


Anonymous said...

About time! I wish she really had been uncomfortable around me; enough that she wouldn't have been coming over 2-3x a week for 12 f***ing hours hoping to negotiate her way into spending the night. (Funny how she preferred spending the night in an "unsafe place" with us vs. the comfort of her own damned home?) Or scared enough of me to NOT be banging on our door for 30 minutes like a wild animal everytime she gets released from the looney-bin and/or fired from yet another job! All over some dude who dismissed her a year ago and has moved on with his life! Hopefully other people wake up and stop enabling this lunatic. All along the way I'm asking why you were associating with a no education, no job, no life (unless you count obsessing over Tyrone and rape fantasies or chasing down/annoying busy people who actually have JOBS), no prospect LOSER and I'm glad you finally stopped feeling sorry for her and that she's finally GONE. I can't even count how many of your close friends and family have been concerned about you being friends with a person such as this for the past year and expressed a desire to see her gone. But of course, its allllllllll Tyrone's fault even though he hasn't talked to her in a year, and also my fault even though I haven't said a word to her since Xmas '07 (when I also told her to get a life, stay away from our home and back off of us in general). Her motto: "I was supposedly raped by 100 people so now I will rape the Earth of peace and tranquility!" (ex. her proudly stating that she felt like Moses parting the sea when she screamed so loud on a platform that 70 people ran scared). Clearly she is about to end up in the puzzle factory for like the 10th time and I am glad it won't be you having to sit around for 12 hours and lie to her regarding how truly worthless she is to society.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I'm with you, JEP! It takes time, but you'll feel a lot more free and at peace, definitely!

Anonymous said...

Don't feel bad...she clearly has a severe mental illness (borderline personality disorder), and people like that actually can be extremely talented at making friends. They genuinely need people around as the backdrop for the constant drama in their lives. Even thought personality disorders are ranked lower than actual psychoses, it shares the same aspect as, say, schizophrenia in that people with it simply form their own reality. And they can't control it.

I feel bad for her current shrink, who really has no hope of "fixing" her. For instance, Szymanski has a classic case of "greying", being unable to understand that people can be both good and bad and arbitrarily assigning you to the good category and Jack to the bad, until you "abandoned" her, and are now in the bad. Its a development stage that happens to little kids and people like Szymanski just never went through it. So, there's very little that modern psychiatry can do to "cure" her.

Anyway, you seem very cool Jenny, you just have to protect yourself from letting toxic people into your life like this....hard to do when you're a nice person!

deafeningchameleon said...

I really appreciated your comment. I know she has issues and it makes me sad because I can see the goodness in her. But you're right about the fact is, I need to protect myself from people who create toxicity in my life because let's face it, life is hard enough as it is.
Again many thanks

Keri said...

I understand how hard it is to cut off a friend, especially after so many years. It's always important to take care of yourself first before others. You are doing just that. I'm saddened by how Beth's life is spiraling out of control. She has so much talent and heart but her mental illness is destroying that and damaging her relationship with people. I will always love her but like you, I have to keep a distance from her for my own health's sake.

deafeningchameleon said...

Yeah Keri I know what you mean, we're now members of the same club! I agree with everything you wrote and you're right its sad. But we can't compromise our well being either.