Monday, June 30, 2008

"Prefer not to"

On saturday I had my radiology appt downtown. Jack drove me and kept me company during my appt. Lucky for me he did because Veronica (I love that name) was from Europe somewhere and had an accent so thick even Jack had to ask her to repeat a few times. Nyhoo she was using the sonogram (the kind they use to look at babies- it reminded me of the time I went with Ronnie when she had her ultrasound done. Makes me miss her even more! Only a few weeks to go and pah, will see her for the camping trip.) so back to Veronica she begins the scans and presses down ever so not-gently on the areas where I am experiencing pain. I wince, groan, make faces and it doesn't faze her in the bit. Jack explained she has to press down otherwise she won't get a reading. So she presses downward in what seems like forever, clicking away on her mouse on various scans. At one point in my lower abdominal area there's a black circle and I inquire as to what it is, and she replies "a Cyst" gee louise, you mean I got problems happening in both the upper and lower part of my abdominal areas? I felt like I had been used as a punching bag by the time Veronica had finished. Funny I laughed my ass off when Jack translated at one point there would be some scan of my vaginal space. For some reason I laugh at words like vaginal especially when he translates it for me in front of Veronica the sadist. I begged him to repeat it but he was all mumms. I spent the rest of the day sleeping, the test really left me feeling like crap.

Yesterday I ran a few errands, saw Jade for a few minutes to pick up the gift certificate and then headed over to Blondies and Cain to check up on Cleo. Imagine to my surprise Szymanski's stuff is all about and when I opened the door and saw her things. I immediately closed it and locked it, walked right out as I did not want to have a confrontation with Szymanski. She contacted me on Friday all in a panic because she was missing her purse with meds in it. Now I would never deny another human being their medications and I replied I hadnt seen it but if I did I would let her know. This prompted her to ask if we could open the line of communication. Huh? wtf? Why would I do that? She hasnt made any suggestions to the fact that what she did to Jack was plain old *pardon my french* but F*cked up. Even recently someone asked Jack about the posting of him advocating rape. Hello, if you read her blog any man who doesn't do as she wants is a rapist or a potential rapist and we're not playing her games anymore. Just because she doesn't like him doesn't give her the right to spread vicious lies about him on her blog or use his full name. Whats worse is she lied to me and said she'd be back at the apt on Monday so I felt set up when I got their yesterday. A big no no.... My response to her email about opening the lines of communication was simply this... prefer not to

Today on my way to work, I felt someone was trying to get my attention and sure enough I looked over from the sidewalk to the street and saw NYC fire dept on their truck, waving to me. Heck, what girl wouldn't like the fire dept smiling at them? It put a smile on my face, here little old me with my sun glasses, a pair of jeans and a tee and hair in a ponytail, nothing special but for some reason today all the guys I passed either winked at me or smiled or even greeted me so must be doing something right. Jack always makes me feel sexy so I am deafinitely not lacking that.

Interesting experience happened in Taco Bell yesterday when I grabbed a nacho bell grande the place was packed and seating was limited. There were 2 asian girls trying to find a place to sit and saw three elderly Black ladies gabbing but spread out over 3 tables. So they politely asked the older ladies if they could sit at one part of the table and you should've seen how nasty this one old lady was. I couldn't (of course) hear what the lady said but it was something to the effect of "whadda you asking me for? why are you bothering me, do I look like the seat patrol person!" I was like wow. It made me wonder if I had walked over and asked to sit down would she have responded the same way? Since moving to NYC I have seen much racial tension between asians and other minority groups. Whenever Jack and I go out for Sushi the male asian waiters are usually very curt with us. Especially at Planet Sushi, while the food is tasty the service has a lot to be desired. So for them I prefer take outs only.

Hmm 4th of July is right around the corner. I asked Jack if we could go to LI or NJ for real fireworks? I am sorry but Manhattan may be the best city in the world but not for fireworks which in my mind are LAME, they hardly go up very high (I assume due to air restriction issues and fire hazards) and they just don't captivate me. What can I say, I am spoiled by PA and MDs fireworks. I told Jack we need to take a blanket and lay it out so we can lie down and look UP and see the dazzling display. Last year we watched from Baba's home, it was fun.

Blondie is suppose to return tomorrow, I hope I see her in the next few days. I will only be working today, tmw and possibly wed due to the fact summer session A has ended and media isn't running to its full capacity. Thats fine because I need to go to one college later this week to fill out paperwork for my upcoming job teaching ASL on Mon/Weds starting mid July.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Which college? Is it in the city? If it's any help, I think you did the right thing with B.Z. Anxiously awaiting outcome of tests. Love you, Baba