Thursday, April 02, 2009

This whole writing stuff

Is freaking me and Blondie out! I was very
happy to see Rusty today to tell him what
I had done and he gave me much needed
feedback to steer me in the right directions.
I think it was very hard for us to have to send
him our 1st draft tonight. But I have been
researching nonstop since Sunday
and working at the same time. You bet I
look like hell today. I looked like a typical
graduate student around this time of year.
Its good and an honor to be in such company.

I didn't make it to the bookstore today to pay
for my gown/cap. But I have a few weeks
left to do so. Its exciting making plans for
my graduation such as Baba and Mom coming
up for a visit. Id like very much for them to
stay with me. Keeping my fingers crossed Baba
will give it a go. She has never in all these
years stayed with me. Im also excited bc they
will have a chance to meet Rusty and Eddie!
Especially Eddie. Plus since I work at as media
tech at my grad school, I will have the chance
to show them where I work b4 or after the
ceremony. What kind of equipment I deal with
on a regular basis. Meet my co-workers, etc., etc..

I think this will be the 1st time im excited
about a graduation. Back at MSSD '93 when
I graduated from HS. I remember that morning
how UPset the assistant principal was that
I was wearing a simple tee and jeans. She
demanded I go back to Dorm D (I was a PA
that time) and put on a dress. I told her flat
out I didn't have one. She didn't believe me
until we were standing in front of my dorm
closet with no dresses in sight. She gave up
and assured me my family would be very
disappointed with me. Boy, was she wrong.
Baba didn't care and she agreed with my
argument. That since I would be wearing a
gown anyways and no one could see under-
neath who cares what im wearing. Im graduating!
For MSSD's graduation both Baba and my Uncle
Rob came. When I look back on the pictures,
we were all very HAPPY that day. I also
remember how LAME the ceremony was. I was
annoyed by Maureen's desire to have us all
stand in a circle, HOLDING HANDS! Not "cool"
in my book. Way too sappy. Especially for a
teenager that I was. Still being a senior at
MSSD was the best!

As for Gally's graduation. I didn't even bother.
The reason why was, I transferred to Gally
2 years after graduating from MSSD from U
of Pitt, and 1 year of working. So all of my MSSD
classmates were 1 1/2 - 2 semesters ahead of
me and I no longer knew them. None of my close
friends were there. So I ended up making all new
friends and met my ex. Without that I would
never met great friends like Knob & Blondie!
By the time I was done with my coursework
I had lost Chanda the year before and never
got into the whole "Im class of 99" I had
such a large circle of friends that extended
over class years, age and race I didn't need
to walk across the stage to get my BS degree.

But this tme its DIfferENt. I get to share this
joyous occasion with my best friend and
finish a program that usually takes 2 years
to complete. Not the 5 years route, in which
we took for variety of personal reasons.
There were times I was about to give up,
especially the 3rd year. And that damn CST
exam which I wasted all that $$ for and now
I don't even want to teach at a HS level so
having passed it, it no longer matters.
And doing the required student teaching last
year help get me to the final leg which is
Boy its hard to believe but in 1 month I will
have a finished thesis.


Hilary said...

You can do it!! :) I'm really proud of you for not giving up and for sticking it out. I know it was hard for you, and a person less strong than you are might have taken the "easy" way out and just given up. But know that what you're doing actually IS the easy way -- because you're hopefully making your future easier for yourself than it otherwise would be without this degree. :)

deafeningchameleon said...

Hey Hilary!
Thanks so much for the support and pep talk, I need all the pep I can get!
Email me soon, maybe you come up for a visit to NYC 1 weekend in May? I have 2 air mattress and plenty of room. Just lmk when