Monday, September 10, 2007

Jewapoloza was a

Snooze-fest. All commercial related like a credit card application,
trips to Israel, and other money related booths occupied this event.
They even made people buy "moolah" money instead of letting people use
cash. I snapped some photos from the event, but Blondie, Szymanski,
Jack, Eddie and I didn't stay long and decided to go somewhere for

We agreed to go to the Jackson Hole (on 85th and Columbus Ave) known for
their huge hamburgers and walked over. Unfortunately, the service was
TERRIBLE. 1st thing the wait staff did wrong was serve me and the girls
water but not to Eddie or Jack! Jack knew right away it was due to
racism, discrimination. Then Eddie asked for water and they returned
with 2 paper cups filled with water instead of real glasses. This ticked
Jack off so much. I asked if he wanted to leave but he decided he didn't
want to cause any problems. But things only got worse. Szymanski's order
wasn't made well, the onion rings overcooked and the bacon undercooked
that it was mostly fat. So she had to fight with the manager to get it
made right. Then I realize that I got a diet pepsi (I hate that stuff,
makes me gag) when I ordered a diet coke. I asked for something else to
drink and the staff basically waved me off like I was a pest. I will
never go to that place again. We were treated like shit because the guys
were not white and we girls were deaf. I plan to write a letter to
Jackson Hole complaining about the poor discriminating service :(

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