Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Wallflower Syndrome

The domino effect. As soon as I
finished posting, I sent Rusty
an email asking for student
teaching if at all possible? And
he responded most likely yes
thru a local school or possible
paid work in LI, that means id
have to find a card to drive there,
possibly Jack can help me with
that or find the best way to
get there via public transportation.
Thank you Rusty for trying for me.

As for my title, the Wallflower
syndrome. I feel that's a bulk of
my depression sometimes. It seems
to me, whenever I get things off
my chest, the air changes and things
start falling into places. Now if
only I could get Blondie to vent
more! I miss her happiness and her
boldness and "damn what anyone thinks"
attitude! Like me, she yearns to be a
wallflower, somehow like me she
thinks life would be easier. When in
fact is gets harder and harder because
the more you hide, the more you become
like stone. She hardly ever truly smiles
or laughs. But she still a wonderful
best friend to me. I'm lucky to have
her in my life. That's why I wish for her
to find reasons to smile soon! She is
too beautiful and lovely to think she
could ever be a wallflower.

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