Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Being tired is an Understatement!

I am sooo worn out, but the move is officially over! Yesterday the Tin Man, one of his friends, Erfo and King all helped me move my things up 5 flights of stairs, in the rain too. It was hard work, and I am a little sore today but very happy to have a place to call my own. My new roommate was there last night, so we celebrated a little with some champange, pizza and good conversations.

I had to drop off the truck this morning before going to work this afternoon. Lucky for me its an easy day today at Media Services. Basically during my free time in between jobs, I am making relay calls and figuring out my plans for the month of Sept.

The Labor Day weekend was nice, I mostly packed and spent a lot of time with my man. I also got to meet Erfo's aunt who was cool and is a psychologist. She had a book collection in her field that had me drooling! She was kind enough to offer me her old dresser (which was in excellent shape) except as we discovered the dresser had no backing, so there wasnt anything to support the frame. Thereby if we moved it, it would collaspe in itself. So I only ended up taking a small little box with drawers that has these nifty plastic handles shaped as crowns, hand fists and one more thing that escapes me due to being so worn out.

Tonight will work on my apt some with the unpacking. I am looking forward to Friday to eat dinner with Joe Joy and catch up before hitting DPHH. I miss being in a room full of many deafies, my hands are aching for some BIG time socializing with other deafies!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I definitely can relate to your moving experience as I moved last week to Toronto. I've moved around a lot, in fact I've been living in over 60 different homes and I'm only 30 years old!!!

It took me and my brother three days to move our stuff and my mom's friend who bought the house we are living in right now. It was one of the worst moving experience I had in my 30 short years.

In fact the house is going through the major renovating in the next couple of years so my work around here is not done yet.

Soooooooo worn out!! :)

Hope you like the new place enough to stay there for the length of time.
