Thursday, September 07, 2006

Crocodile Tears...

I am sure my nephew Bobby is upset along with many other children in this country and abroad about the unfortunate death of the "Crocodile Hunter" Steve Irwin who was killed a few days ago by a sea creature which stung him! Whats worse is that school started nationwide about the day after he died so I am sure many children went to school sad and the teacher's had them write fan letters to his family. I didnt watch his show much, as thats not my kind of genre but I knew kids loved it, even when I worked at MSD, my students would want to watch it and considering all the crap on cable, this was one of the better shows out there.

Last night, I mostly hung around watching tv with the Tin Man, without my hearing aid on all evening. It was a nice break, I did unpacking, smooching, watch Without a Trace all in deaf mode. I did wonder if he minded so when I asked him he said it was so much easier to focus on my signing or teaching him the right signs when its just the two of us alone. When living with Cain and Blondie, it could be distracting at times. Besides I notice most guys in relationships want alone time more than women do. I think women naturally enjoy the company of others more so because we are more communicative by nature, I forgot the nbrs but it was like for every 4,000 words spoke by a guy, equals like 10,000 for a woman? Or something along those lines. I did enjoy relaxing with my Sweetie, he was smiling more and so was I. Its been a stressful summer for us both and the whole hearing/deaf differences can be trying at times. I also noticed, we re both getting used to how the other one is. For example, when I am overtired or trying to work on cleaning/unpacking I can get a little bitchy. He took it in stride and instead of getting upset with me, he let it roll off his back. Thus I then would say things like "I am sorry for being snappy or bitchy, its cuz I am tired(or want to unpack)." Because I will always admit when I say or do something wrong, no matter how trival it may seem. I think he knows the difference to me being moody and me being upset with him? I am trying to do the same for him.

Funny every day that passes my work load increases, whether its at Media or teaching related, by Oct, I am gonna be working pretty much FT all week. Now I have to focus on getting affordable healthcare, which I hope to do next week wed. Perhaps tmw I will pick up my new earmold, see see?

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