Thursday, September 28, 2006

"A game please"

It dawned on me last night while subbing for an ASL class that my teaching methods are very serious and direct. For 2 1/2 hours with a 15 minute break, my goal is to cover all the vocabulary in the unit. Practice sytax/sentences in ASL. Introduce concepts such as compound signs (where the verb + noun becomes a sign) ex would be "all day," Or "don't like." Ad well as the ability to use facial expression in place of a negation sign. Like when saying "me shop" with the signer's head nodding no, means "I didn't shop." But near the end of the class, one of my student asked me if we could play a game. I admit, I was caught off gaurd as I consider ASL activities to be "games." but she wanted something FUN. Imagine that, someone wanting me to be more fun. Most people know I am always up for fun, BUT only after my work is done. This student started to be really silly during the last 15 minutes and I basically continued with the lesson and ignored her. After class ended, I told her next week (as I am covering the class 1 additional time) I will have some games for us to play next week. She seemed very happy. Lesson learned, in ordered to keep my students interested, I better come up with at least 1 or 2 games that can be played in a reasonable amount of time.

Part of the problem is I just hate the idea or the myth people have about ASL being easy and fun. Its not easy, its like any other foriegn language, with its own semantics and rules. But I forgot, it can still be fun. I just know that if I convey a certain level of expectancy and seriousness, the students follow the same manner. I cannot stand the idea of wasting time on activities that will not benefit my students other than to make them "happy" or to have "fun." Now my plan is to look for activities that can be used next week and start testing out which ones work? Which ones waste time? Etc etc..

I got approached by one student last night during class break for a request of 1 on 1 tutoring lessons. I'll contact her later today. And I got a referral from one of my other jobs for teaching ASL. When I called this referral, I learned that they are not looking for a teacher but rather a terp for a 1 on 1 meeting between a deaf client and a rep. I then asked whether or not the client requested a certified ASL terp because I am not qualified or RID certified. I would hate to show up to the meeting and have the client become upset. But the woman on the phone reassured me they just wanted someone who can sign. The woman kept telling the relay operator, "ask her... tell her..." I wanted to so badly explain the etiquette of relay calls but decided against her. Because after all I need a job (even if its freelance) more than I need to explain the rules of speaking to a deaf person thru relay. Besides if this becomes a regular thing, then fine sure, I will take the time to explain.

Been making phone calls, sending out emails, the usual bs. Tonight I will have dinner with Blondie. I havent had much chance to see her in the past few weeks. It will be good. I will also get to see my Sweetie tonight. He has been busy working on his cars, getting one of them ready for inspection to be used as his company car. i.e. more tax breaks!

Went to Radio Shack and got the friggin cord I needed for my external HD. I plan to work on my movies tmw if time permits and for sure SUNDAY will be dedicated to that soley.

Overall I feel good, my moods are upbeat. My sweetie is so kissable! My family rocks and my friends rock harder. How much better can life get?

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