Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Ah.. the scent of cat pee....

For some crazy reason yesterday while I was at work in Queens, I kept smelling cat pee. I checked my shirt, slacks, even my bra. I checked my backpack, purse and my shoes and nada, no cat pee. But still it drove me crazy. Perhaps that was a premonition of what was gonna happen today. When I arrived at my Media job, again I caught the scent of cat piss and realized the black shirt I had for 10 years carried a faint scent of cat pee! Ugh so I went to the nearby store and brought a tee to wear today instead... Damn cats, I came home last night to find a nice mixture of cat vomit and a massive hairball on my bed and comforter, lovely! Gee this is the thanks I get for going out of town for a few days. Tom and Kat not likieee... teach me a lesson or two will they? Now they are banned from my room when I am not home.

A little relaxation goes a long way! My Sweetie, posted this on his blog about my evil influences of being lazy 1x a week (ok, sometimes 2x or 3xs a week...)
On Sunday we got back to the city and totally relaxed. We only went outside once to obtain food and that was about it. We watched a bunch of corny comedies such as Deuce Biegelow: Male Gigolo, but it worked. It was the first time in 2 years that I've just shut down my brain totally for an entire day and did absolutely nothing. The most interesting part was going outside to realize it was already dark by the time I had decided to get dressed to get dinner. I literally can not remember the last time I've just hung around that long doing nothing, but it was definitely worth it.
Funny, he IMed me on Monday telling me he decided to get rid of the garage that he rented for the purposes of working on his cars. When I asked him why? He said he no longer needed it and prefer to have days like we did on Sunday. I agree, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy!"

I made a major decision yesterday, I decided not to teach Writing to deaf adults again in Jan. My heart wasnt into it and it was making me miserable because I felt I was doing a disservice to the students who are all a great bunch of kids! They need a teacher who has all the answer and gets a hard on for the English language. I only write well cuz I grew up oral so I write how I speak. Not because I know the correct word order, what verbs are main verbs? Auxillary verbs? Infinitive verbs.... etc etc so when I met with my supervisor I told her the truth that I wasn't digging this subject and I was sorry that I didnt want to keep teaching that class. She was very understanding and although disappointed with my decision, she remarked she thought I was a wonderful teacher but she could sense when she observe my class there was some disconnection between myself and the materials I was teaching. She wished me well and I feel that I will still see her occasionally as one of my mentor for advice.

Now I will contact one other school and see if they need me in Jan because they wanted me this fall but I declined due to conflicts in my schedule. Hopefully they will still want me to teach?

This weekend I plan redo my room set up, the current floorplan sucks and I am going crazy with the chaotic feelings of my room. Thats one of the disadvantages of ADD, when something is bothering you, it makes you nutty and unable to focus on anything but what is bothering you. I cannot ignore my surroundings, if I am not at peace with it, I cannot relaxs.

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