Thursday, November 30, 2006

Krammar Jewish? I dont think so!

Ugh please Michael Richards dont try to make yourself look good by jumping on the Jewish bandwagon. The Jews have already been blamed enough for the discrimination Black people face and we don't need your name added to it. Not that theres any validity to that myth that the Jews want to keep the Black people down, Richard's racist remarks are not of that of a Jew and to call himself as one... Any self-respecting Jew such as myself this to be quite distasteful. You can read more at CNN.

Working on final exam format for my class tonight. I am a little nervous as I have never given a final exam before in my life! But I gotta admit, seeing my name on my student papers "Instructor X X" inflates my ego a bit more than usual. And those who know me know I have quite an ego (often hearies complain of hot air hissing out of my left ear which is unobstructed by a hearing aid)! JK, yeah I do have an ego but not to a point where people avoid me :D

Baba sent me this email earlier and I thought it was a beautiful, but bittersweet memory and I wanted to share it;

It was summer, as you know, so the boys were home from school. X and X were twelve and still little kids, so every day we brought them to our friends the Raudenbushes (Papa called them the Rubberbrushes!), so we could be at the hospital. The Raudenbushes lived at the top of a hill so the road up there was winding. Papa always kept cigars on the dashboard. As we rounded a turn, a cigar slid down to my side and Papa said, "Have a cigar." Then the car turned the other way and the cigar slid back to his side and I said, "No thanks, I just had one." Then we turned again and the cigar slid back to my side and he said, "Have another." Well, at that we just broke up and laughed until we almost cried. As you know, laughter and tears are close cousins. It was a way of coping with the unacceptable although some people might find it strange that we were laughing while X was dying in the hospital.

Baba is right, laughing and crying are more alike than most people realize. Evolution standpoint says laughing occurred in response to being nervous. Like if we were back in the caveman era and we felt threatened, we would laugh and bare our teeth.

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