Friday, December 26, 2008

It's an Amish world, and we're just living in it

Back in PA. Arrived last night in time for dinner. Baba and I hit the nearby Yangs for some Chinese food, my meal wasn't that great. What a disappointment, usually their food is awesome. Maybe the chef had an off night? Anyways, it was so good to see Baba, and we spent a lot of time talking about family members and me missing Jack. I still am not well, this damn chronic sinuses is making me nuts. I mean jesus, I spent most of last weekend in bed trying to sleep it off.

Today we visited with Maria, Rob and their 2 boys, and it was so nice. The hours flew by. We have a date to go back next week on New Years day and watch the movie Wall-E.

Tmw Nancy, Bobby and David will come by for pizza and to visit. Sunday I have plans with Mom to spend the night. She will go with me to Goodwill on Monday to do a little clothes shopping. I need dress pants for work, the kind that doesn't have to be dry-cleaned. That's one of my new years resolutions, to stop buying thrift clothes that require dry-cleaning. I am looking for any ways to cut back expenses. I did really good this month, got the rent all caught up and even paid off some of January's rent. The extra hours I put into media really helped me more than I realize. I may have gotten sick because of it but I don't mind, I have a week and a half to just get better, visit with my family and start my thesis. Yep its finally time. I took off Novemeber and most of December and now I feel ready to tackle the paperwork needed in order to get my thesis proposal started. See I will be using undergrads and I must submit my plans to the IRB (Independent Review Board) before I can implement my research. The IRB committee will meet in the 3rd week of January and I should know by early February if I got their approval. My goal is to be done with my thesis in May. Blondie and I are gonna harrass each other into getting our thesis done. We started the grad program at the same time and by god, we will finish at the same time too!

I miss Jack. This has been the longest month of my life since he left. I miss his smile, his hugs and kisses. I miss his nightly underwear inspections and he always replies "ooooh, you're wearing X color, my favorite. Now why don't you take your pants off and let me admire them more, and your legs too...." Sometimes I cave in and other times NO. But I love the fact that no matter what day it is, or what time of year, he thinks I am super sexy. Haven't showered, am sick, life sucks, doesn't matter, he thinks I look good! I could be clipping my toe nails, wearing a face mask but as long as I am in my undies, I look good! He even brought a 2nd portable heater so I wouldn't be cold and have no reason to argue why I shouldn't be in my undies. I must admit, I do enjoy my lingerie collection and the gleam in his eyes when I let him pick out which piece I wear....
BUTT get your mind out of the gutter, thats not all of what I miss. I miss just talking with him. Having him be bluntly truthful and never sugar coating ANYTHING. He always stands up for me, roots for me and intervenes when he thinks I am being taken advantage of. I really credit him a lot for making me finish my grad school requirements (i.e student teaching). And for taking the teaching job last year where I had to be out the door by 6:30am. Seeing him never complain about going to work or getting up made me toughen up a bit.

He called me today, it was the 1st time we've spoken by voice since he left. Baba has a phone where I can set the volume level higher than hearies can stand it and it helped. Of course I can hear him with the volume amplified but I can't always understand him by phone. He's smart though if I am struggling with a word, he will substitute it with another one that has a similar meaning. Instead of repeating it over and over again which most deafies know is extremely annoying. He told me he loves and misses me too which of course made me burst into tears. How could I not miss my Jack rabbit? He keeps reminding me that already a month has passed, and summer isn't that far away. He will start his school in a few weeks and will have a better idea of when he will be done. The best case scenario would be late April, the worst late June, early July. All I know is when he finally returns to NYC, he's gonna have a hard time prying my arms off of him and getting away from my kisses ;-)

I got an email from my friend Karen who's now engaged! She will visit me in January and fill me in on all the details. And I also got an email from Knob who says her honeybunny will wait for her while she's gone (he seems like a good one so I am thrilled for her!) It seems with the economy being down the toilet, love is in the air because afterall, people and experiences are more valuable than all the $$$ in the world. I always tell Jack, I rather be poor and happy than rich and miserable.

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