Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Its weird

Being alone again.

In some odd way its like im single all over again.
No one waiting at home for me.
No one is here when I wake up.
Worked today, it kinda sucked but kind of didn't

Still adjusting to life in a LD relationship.
Never thought I would be there again.
Only experienced it 1x before with my
ex when I did my internship in California
for a total of 2 1/2 months. I wrote him
almost every day. At least this time
with technology/writing being at my
fingertips it helps dealing with missing
Jack. The doorways of communication is there.

Been feeling sick to my stomach on and off.
Sometimes there is an annoying sweetening
feeling in the back of my throat. Nothing I've
eaten or drank today has made it go away.
I came home and immediately went to work
on the apt.. It took Jack 4 or 5 car loads of things
from storage over a period of a week before
Thanksgiving to clear out my storage unit.
2 reasons why I did this. 1 to cut back expenses,
they had just jacked up my monthly storage
fee from $65 to $75. 2ndly I wanted to be able
to go through my things all at once. Decide
what to keep & what 2 get rid of. But in the
meantime, the already messy apt was bad
and having piles of boxes everywhere has
made my apt a natural disaster zone.

I realized recently as cute as my 2 turtles
Morticia and Rygel are. They have to go.
Im not digging cleaning the tank. I near
damn broke my back carrying a 10 glass
gallon tank filled 2/3rd with water to the
bathroom to clean it. I am a cat person and
I need a pet I can hold, that will sit on my
lap and be my daemon basically. Don't get
me wrong once I had set them back up (an
hour later, and slightly soaked with dirty
tank water) it was rewarding to see the
little guys or girls (still don't know their
sex) enjoy fresh water and a new layout.

There's a real possibility my coworker's
gf will adopt them. Im keeping my fingers
crossed. I want Rygel & Morticia to be
relocated to a home that will enjoy them
and really take care of them. I've learned my
lesson on "impulse" pet buying lessons.
I think if I had a yard or pond that was self-
sustaining I would love turtles but I don't.
Anyways keeping my fingers crossed this
nice couple adopts them. Better with someone
I know and like than with someone I don't.

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