Sunday, June 18, 2006


That was my reply when the Guy told me outside, he missed me. I just didn't know how else to answer. I can't be fake and say I missed him too when I was working mostly for the past 48 hrs. I didn't have time to think, yet alone miss anyone. But the good news, is YES I will miss him some this week while I'm in MD ssping.

We still had a good time, it always starts off a little weird but then once we re sittng down face to face, the conversation flows most easily. I am slowly unveiling the many layers that make up who I am. I very much want to meet some of his friends and see more of his life when I return to NYC.

MICA was exhausting but productive. I wasn't expecting to be the "head" technician. Luckily Peep came and rescued me along with one other really nice lady who I got to work with as well. Peep was so funny, she says to me when she arrived at the bar where we were rehearsing "Guess what? I have good news for you. Today I'm your Bitch." Which I of course replied "Girl, you're always my Bitch." Really I owe Peep a lot, she has helped me out so many times. I'm glad I got to know her here in NYC. Overall for me, the MICA experience was positive in which I was able to learn new skills such as how to deal with Live Feed and coordinate the many different presentations (dvds, powerpoint, etc etc) This is what Peep did, she coordinated the sequences of events while I controlled the live feed and King kept us updated with schedule changes. I also made new friends and connections. It's all good. I was too tired after we returned the equipment to the Hotel to go back to Crobar. I guess my "knock them off their feet" outfit will have to wait for another time.

Now I'm on the bus headed to Baltimore where Handler will pick me up, yay! I haven't seen that boy since early November when he came to my home town for the Greek Bazar. Now I get him for the next 5 days as we ssp! NICE.

Life is good, I am well and we'll see what tmw brings.

BTW I owe Sorry a BELATED Happy Birthday, Sorry, hope you had a rocking time!


Anonymous said...

I am sure Sorry was having a rockin' time! He's one of the few people I know who always manage to have good time no matter what circumstances... I remember my old days of hanging out with him and two other guys, when he's flat broke he still managed to have good time with us.

Happy belated b-day Sorry!!


Anonymous said...

lol! I remember sayin' that very well.... lookin' forward to be one of your bitches again on Sunday. ;) Take care.

deafeningchameleon said...

will be getting the uhaul truck at 1 30 so it will be a quick move, whee!