Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Up Close: Gallaudet President 2006

At the Joey Baer website there's a video you can click on with the above title. I thought it was very well done and made many good points. I especially liked how Joey Baer made references to DPN statements and showed the viewer how some of the mistakes made 18 years ago have been repeated with the selection of JKF.

I am also happy to read that Gally FSSA will have a booth at the NAD convention in California this July. How I wish I could be there to see what the atmosphere is like? I think the Deaf community as a whole has woken up from a long "literal" apathetic slumber and I am sure this NAD convention will be interesting this year. I was Matt Lockhart's classmate at MSSD, I am glad he is one of the reps for the NAD convention along with Tawney Holmes who I met during the "12 days in May," Tent City.

As an alumuni, I am still deeply concern with JKF appointment at Gally's next prez. I mean if she really had the Deaf community best interest at heart, she would stepped down. I mean at this point, there's not a whole lot she can do to redeem herself or save face. I think if she just stepped down, the deafies out there along with myself would respect her for respecting US! Gawd, what is WRONG with BOT! I also wondered how many of the BOTs were there during DPN? I wonder how they could, pardon my french byut f*ck with us again?! When have deafies ever been passive? Aren't we percieved as rude and abrassive by the hearies. What makes them think we would become quiet and meek? No, sorry pal, NO PITY here, no paternalistic attitudes needed. Only improvement in education standards for all deafies and respect for ASL as a language. There is no reason why deaf people should have to rely on the government to dole out SSI checks. Theres no reason for the medical community to try to cure us. We're fine with being deaf, its the audist attitudes pertained by many hearies, thats the problem.

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