Tuesday, July 18, 2006

I "spank Yew 4 ur" patience...

Lately I am still a little "shell shocked" about "heRTS" that has come knocking on my door?? When I say "HEARTS" I mean, (ASL Sign from where the signer uses his middle finger and touches their heart)
Being with the Tin Man has made its so easy and tempting to fall... The Tin Man appreciates my outlook on life (for the most parts). He himself being a misfit if you will, has allowed us to bond. We've both experience being "one of a kind." (In our respective backgrounds). Its interesting because I really didn't think I would like The Tin Man after the misunderstanding at the MET tour. I like character and he has plenty. I enjoy people who are themselves and excuse my French but if the world doesn't like it, oh fucking well. Thats how it goes, you can always go in another direction(s). Meaning if you dont like me, well then I dont like you. Or if you mess with me... *grr* Yep I am fiesty true biz. No shame, I owe up to the sad fact that my society views are what is considered flawed and I am and will always probably in our lifetime be considered so. But I am not gonna let that bring me down, instead its better for me to stop and be happy that I can I now report that as of today I have officially 4 parttime jobs.

(Calming Annoucer's Voice from BW TVs)
Can this ADD girl handle it or will she thrive like she usually does?

(Dramatic Music Kicks In)
(Annoucer's Voice from BW TVs conts..)
Or will a psychotic break, a bad fall, something or other that puts her out of commission?

(Annoucer's Voice Deepens from BW TVs)
Only TIME and the forces of the Universe will tell....

The best analogy I can come up with is being with me is like living with a TV, I come with many channels and remote controls buttons along with other entertainment related equipments. Means I am unpredictable but in a fun way that I hope doesnt in the long run irk him? My mind is a human projector at times.I see the smaller parts and arrange them in a way that works successfully.

I enjoy the art of teaching/instructing because it is gratifying. At one of the interviews the woman asked me if I why I wanted to teach ASL? Well if you look clearly on my resume I have had about 10 straight years of instructing with multiple people at the same time and of all walks of life. It was kinda of a lame ass question but hey, if it gets me the job it gets me the job. And lets face it for the most part, teachers are secretly actors who rather have the steady pay and some what fixed schedule. Besides if my performance (how I teach) in the classroom proves to be an effective language tool for acquistion purposes and somewhat based on my observation of being in a go between the Deaf (friends and community) and Hearing world (Family and other friends and a special someone.) I might really have something to offer psycho-linguistically that is worth writing my thesis on. I have to forge my own way just like the Wild West *giddy up!* (sounds of a lone horse rider...)

Here's a VIP excerpt rom the Tin Man's personal summary of the past few days of events. "We then went to the Clock Museum. This is where I actualy got to become "useful" (lol), because it opened up with a 10 minute movie, but the sound wasn't enough for my girl to hear. So lo and behold, I became an interpreter. I'm lucky that whoever wrote the script had a real knack for repeating phrases like "the unchanging and awesome force known as time". So I was able to relay the words fairly decently to her. It taught me a couple of facts that I had no idea about. For example, I didn't know that until a little over 100 years ago, the Japanese had only 12 hour days (6 day/6 night) and that the system sucked even to them. So after about an hour, we left to do more visits.") Basically means I got bored after looking at like 200 clocks. Hello..... *echos* Maybe if it had been more scientific interactive based I wouldve enjoyed it? They did have some cool parts don't get me wrong but I need a little more varition within the presentation to keep me involved for long periods of time.

[waRNING MaTERial Ahead could and probably would be offensive to someone out there....]

Ive been saying most of my life that I do not have a sheep mentality. I have no intentions or interest in conformity for the sake of others comforts when they don't extend the same for me. I was something I was not for most of my childhood and it sucked. I blame no one, I am just a product of the system for its time period. Besides its just so happened with my family relatives, (the family tree if you will) has several major persons who are hard of hearing like myself. But unlike me they didnt grow up with a hearing aid. It was different back for my older relative. I am glad I got to see my Deaf Aunt before she died, it meant a LOT to me. Im glad today that we Deafies seek equal access to the primary communication within our society. When you think about it, thats all we ask for or need.

I am thrilled linguistic research has shown ASL to be a language in its own rights, Being in the Deaf-World for the past 15 years I can see the difference of education levels with other deafies 5 to 10 years younger then me. BUT WE HAVE TO KEEP RAISING the standards for ALL deaf children regardless of what their Parents decide.

Ok deaf grumblings of the day ends now. I spank you for your patience with my silly or offensive musings tonight. C'est La Vie! Perhaps I have an inherited a Fench spirit from my real Father's side of the family? If so, then Baba and I can blame him for part of my personality that gets her and me into these stupid thank goodness short lived fights. She always say "We are a product of our genes. :)"

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