Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Taking off the "Blinders"

We (Blondie, Tin Man and I) were whisked away to the magical land of IKEA, where items only dreamed up by mere mortals were on displays. Colorful, delightful themes emerged as we passed through the various halls... I didnt buy anything except a set of 4 glasses for Blondies place as I've broken a few since I moved in. Its hard to believe almost 2 months have flown by.

Tmw I will meet with the chair of my program to explain that until the content test has been revised, I see no interest in taking it again. And secondly that I will not be student teaching this fall simply because I am not interested in slave labor (working FT without pay and then having to pay tution for credit! Which basically means I am paying myself to work? Nah....)

I was feeling the summer blues a little yesterday as I have been trying to find the right balance between my social life, work life and dating the Tin Man. Slowly I am finding my way. He wanted to see me and I told him I wasnt in a bad mood but I wasnt my chipper self. But by the end ot the day I had a lot of fun with the Tin Man, we are starting to mesh our sense of humor. And I am glad he has one :) He can make me roll, tears streaming down my face at times at the way he story-tells things. I grow to appreciate him more and more everyday.

I also will be helping a film set during August for a hearing production. As soon as I get my work hours established, then I can figure out when I am free to help witht he production as a set dresser. I still need to review the script before the meeting this thursday.

The things I am looking forward to the most is when I will visit with my web designer Trantula Boy and see how the website is looking as well as give him the other products to add to the www.

Well I should be sleeping but a tad bit wired, gonna go devour a few pages of a book *sound of paper pages crunching* (images of little books with legs and arms fleeing away in terror....)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy reading your progress your relationship with Tin Man. He sounds pretty cool and of course, sense of humor is one of the important elements in the relationship. Without it, people are pretty boring!! ha

Keep it up and keep bloggin' as I'm there to read them all.

By the way, if you blog about the movies, I'll be more than happy to comment my thoughts since I'm a big movie freak. :)
