Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Forbearance is my new favorite word, it means "A lender's postponement of foreclosure in order to give the borrower time an opportunity to make up for overdue payments. " I recently spoke to both of my loans people to ask for more time to find steady work before making repayments. Both agencies have granted me a 1 year forbearance on my school loans. Now I can relax and do my freelancing jobs and hopefully by this time next year have a reasonably steady income?

Tonight my Sweetie will be coming up. I cannot wait to see him. How funny a few days apart can make one feel. I love the feeling of seeing him after a few days and the excitement that it builds up to. If we're together 24/7 how can I ever appreciate him? The time apart was good, I was able to catch up with Baba and sleep. I also did some editing, still more to go, a never ending task. I need to finish the voice overs before I move because I want all of my voices to have the same background noises so that way when I add them the audience cant tell. If I do the voice overs in different rooms and different AC, the hearies are gonna know immediately. Any upcomming projects I do in regards to film making, I will have a sound person on hand. Period, I cannot risk my work's quality to be anything less than subpar. I also plan to ask for 1 or 2 people in lighting. I can go to NYU and NYFA and post for volunteers as well as Craigslist, actorsnews and

Alrighty I gotta run over to Mom's place. We're having Kuggle for dinner and a few rounds of skip bo!

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