Friday, August 11, 2006

Mother Nature's Vegenance.

It never stops amazes me how weather can impact even the most advance civilization, bringing it to its knees. Last night about an hour before everyone was to meet for dinner, it was thundering and lighting. I was hoping it would be quick and painless. Not so, it pounded the ground that it came back upwards. Remember in Forrest Gump, there was a scene with all the different kinds of rain they faced in Vietnam? Yep, this was the kind where it even with the biggest umbrella, youre gonna get wet.

Anyhoo, god bless my friends. Many did make it, 8 of u s. Most of us were soaked or near so. Poor Vess he had to change his shirt before he joined us to eat. The company at dinner as always was gracious. My birthday was WONDERFUL for the most part. But the rain kinda killed the mood. Dinner was nice, I was luckily I think I was able to talk with everyone. (It was hard to be sure?). Then because everything started so late and DST, things kinda fizzled and we all called it a night.

Luckily there was a "round 2" the 2nd crew arrived at the apt, where the Tin Man, Szymanski and I are all hanging. King, Peep, and one other friend later came by which relieved me cuz who wants to be old and go to bed. BOrIng. Kill me if I ever become ordinary. Funny, now that I think about it, Blondie makes every now and then promise to "slap her upside the head" if she ever does this or that. "Friends of feathers flock together," eh?

I thank everyone who made an effort on a lousy night weatherwise as last night :) If this doesn't show me I have friends, I don't know what would? This year was extra special because for a hearie like the Tin Man (who I am crazy about), still very new to the deaf world, this shows me he cares. That he made the effort and met more of my friends.

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