Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Immingration and leg of...

On todays CNN article 'Explosion of diversity' sweeps U.S., census shows...' it wasnt surprising to find West Virginia least likely to attract the international crowd. And with immigration laws being a hot topic on Capitol Hill and all across the nation I find this to be ironic. Because this country for the past 400 hundred plus years was built on the tears and sweats of so many different immigrants and their contributions. The US would not be where it is, if it wasn't for the constant, verstile and horrific measures (ie killing of the old inhabitants, the Native Americans). That there are many Americans who today are saying "us against them." Hello, we all of US were somewhere down the line one of "them" in the past. I don't care if your family is from England and arrived on via Plymouth ship. You then are a decesdant of immigrants. Since we as a human race migrated from Africa after the continentals divided. Yes law and order is needed, but I believe this country is capable of dealing with its already diverse population, why freak out when if anything, newbies will bring new ideas. I will give capitalism credit in this country where everyone ideally has a chance to be successful, powerful, etc etc. its nothing to sneeze at. I cant say for sure where I am with this issue above, but this is what runs thru my mind when I think about immigration.

Today is my day off, had some trouble with the bank today. FYI if you open an acct online. Dont expect to be able to go in person and have access to your "imaginary" online account because even tho both the branch and online site are from the same mother international company, they do not "interract." okay.... then it became clear. It was a way for them to trap me into opening a checking account. I didnt want to risk waiting for the time it would take to transfer over from 1 bank to another bank. Apparently the magical ability of having a checking acct with them, is it will allow me to have access to my online savings account. BUTT that I will have to wait till tmw morning and find some dumbass early bank location to get the check, thereby delaying the roommate, payment meeting. Lucky 4 me, she was cool about it. Thats how it is sometimes in NYC. Youre plain old busy. I love working!

The party last night was ok. There were some people I really enjoyed seeing. Others I could have never have met them and my life would be none different for it. Overall, the Tin Man finally met the Lamb. A leg of Lamb he is. I think it was interesting mixs of hearies, deafies, and all those in betweens.

Here are some photos I took with my beloved IMac of the set of roses from the Tin Man. He gave them to me Friday, it was very sweet of him. I am glad today is tuesday and they look wonderful like he does!

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