Thursday, August 10, 2006

Without "Ist"

I remarked to the Tin Man, why I like blogging because to me its a way of reflection. A way to vent or get the thoughts out of my head and onto paper for me to review. I am the first to admit, I am analytical in nature. Most people who dabble in the "psycho-babble" usually are. There's an old joke among college students who major in psychology. "They're there to find themselves." the questions that nagged them or held them back, mental "chains of prison" and so on...

Tonight sub's class went well. The Tin Man met up with me afterwards and we looked at a room for rent. As of now, it seems like a set deal. But I won't fully celebrate or declare it until the check has been handed over and cashed. (ofc I will get a certified bank check).

Well, its official, its ME birthday! Funny this year for my bday was different. I usually begin talking about it a month in advance to the days leading up to my bday. This time was different. I was more into the Tin Man and being with him. Then making arrangements for my birthday. This is good.

Tmw I meet with the FCP instructor and then edit. Around 5pm, I will begin to celebrate with a Japanese Beer that I brought. Yum. I plan to eat Sushi and play pools with friends. A simple bday :) A lot of faces missing this year. Pack, I miss you and I still think about you!


Anonymous said...

Happy b-day!! How old are you now if it's not so unmanner of me to ask?


Anonymous said...

happy birthday whoohoo!!!

xoxo jen! u rock! \m/

u should like just go to chippendales or something... :)



Anonymous said...

shes 17, sharpe. you hit it, you go to jail *smirk*


Anonymous said...

"unmanner"? LOL

Anonymous said...

yeah, unmanner. impolite, you know. as in, whatever, leave the fucker alone.

anyway, jenny, your birthday totally sucked. i mean, first, we had to run through the rain--and with the airholes in my shoes i was literally spouting water. then i had to order sushi, which everybody knows is just a polite word for girl parts, and then we all had to pay attention to other people for at least an hour.

no, i hate birthdays. thanks for last night--way fun!

deafeningchameleon said...

Thank you everyone :)

Yeah the rain did kind fizzle out the birthday fires. No biggie it happens. Have to be happy with what did go right. Was glad Peep and King stopped by.