Thursday, April 27, 2006

Happy is the ME

Seems a guy from a different dept who stops by where I work often is gonna help me set up a website where people can watch the 1st two movies, both shorts. Then post trailers of SDI, PAWs.. I've also decided on a company name that is TBA. He's cool, has a pet trantula. Speaking of spiders, Ronnie, am sorry to read about the untimely dimise of your pet :[

Got 1/3rd of my art and lit paper done today at work. Feel a sense of accomplishment. Plus my co workers and I, all chipped in and got my boss 2 cakes and sodas for a little party. It went well.

Tmw is SLA turn, ugh more transcribing. My goal is to do at least 2 subjects, 20 minutes of footage. I've been meaning to also burn a copy of the GGG movie to send to the videographer who will add the special effects.

Been turning down invitations here and there for this weekend. My finals and the short shoot on Sunday have my full commitment. Sad I know, I rather work then have fun. But seriously for filming, its a blast.

I'm excited, got an email from one of my DB (Deafblind) friend about another DB who's coming to town in a few weeks. I met him a year ago this May. He is a lot of fun and tells the BEST jokes. Its cool, his sister is also DB and they're very active in the DB community. Around here most of the DB community is in Long Island. I wish there was more in Manhattan or NYC area, LI is over an hour away! I finally sent by fax my AADB (American Association for the Deaf-Blind) application for June's camp. I'm fired up and ready to go. I miss the DB community!

The Cali cat went into heat today. She is NOT allowed in my room till the episode ends. Tom couldn't knock her up, but he could seriously harm her. Once about 5 years ago *for readers who are sensitive to graphic details, I suggest you STOP here, otherwise proceed at your own risk*
Tom one day while my roommate and I were at work, left alone home with Jupiter who was very young and in heat. Well, they got busy. So busy that Tom, tore a serious chunk out of Jupiter's neck. Jupiter, poor girl, had a gaping gash on the right upper part of her neck. I immediately called my ex (at that time he was my BF) and demanded he get her so Tom couldn't hurt her again! I know, Tom has a serious case of "Lock" jaw, when he clamps down, he doesn't release! He doesn't even realize his own legends within the Deaf Community. He's met over 200 deafies I bet in his lifetime, probably more.


Anonymous said...

OOOOH! What kind of trantula does he have?! Mine was a mexican blonde. One of the most docile that you could have for a pet. She never bit or attacked anyone, even when she was in pain. A real sweetie pie ;)

Hip hip horray on having access to your movies online! Yay!

deafeningchameleon said...

Hi Ronnie
you met him last year, remmy you both were going on about your pet trantulas? Its the same guy