Tuesday, April 18, 2006

My cupethd is overaflowing...

Tonight was the first night of TC ASL Festival. It was a great start! Guthire Nutter did a superb job facilitating tonights panel on ASL & Deaf trends in theater and live performances. The panel consisted of Jade Jade, Garrett Zuecher GarrettZ, Alexandria Wailes and Bianca Aabel. We had a small crowd but it was to be expected with the ASL Poetry night at the Bowery happening at the same time. Overall we're off to a roaring start! Tomorrow night I am the host and I will be showing works by Rene Visco LightKitchen, Ricky Taylor "Ridor" Ricky, Jade (same person above), a guy from RIT whos work I still haven't recieved :( and an older work by a man name Earnest Marshall who was the father of "Deaf Film making." I have been busy this weekend prepping for this and I am almost done subtitling the SDI Part I, if you don't already know and I've just learned that subtitling/captioning per sentence or 2 average 2 secs per turn. That mean s breaking down a 10 plus min movie takes a LOOOOOOooong time. Actually because of my insonmia lately, it has worked in my favor where when I can't sleep, I work till I do. I am excited to see my work finally captioned.

Last Saturday rehersal was ok. I was not really digging it because the director seemed a bit put off by me and my requests. Like for an example, when I arrived, he was sitting in front of a window and no lights were turned on inside so of course his face was shadowed and I was blinded from the light coming in that finally after straining my neck to see his lips (and him completely seeing this but ignoring it) I said "Excuse me, I don't mean to be a pain but I am being blinded by the light coming in from the window that I can't read your lips." Could you move or turn on some lights inside? What does he do, gives me a look and then makes a big show about closing the curtains and turning on the lamp. It made me feel like I was hindering the group and this is just one example. I also asked him at one point if we *meaning me and 2 other deafies who couldnt make it that day but will be in the show* could sign our lines? He flat out said no. I was very disappointed because doesn't he think deafies go to rock shows? Hello, Ive seen Areosmith, Posion, Ozzy, Radiohead, Go Go Dolls and other bands in concerts and you bet I sang and signed the lines along with thousands of other fans!!! Also there was the physical aspect, I didn't realize doctor's order of no lifting also means no reaching because I had to raise my arms a LOT as a "fan" during the rehersal that I was in a lot of pain saturday night and had to resort to a pain killer. I've emailed the director I cannot be physical during the rehersals till May at least! That I could walk thru the steps but NO lifting the arms or JUMPING! Its a no no!

Two some pixs of the kittens, they're 1 week old today and already bigger!

Interesting, this apartment is made up of
Tom he's 12 years old
Nixzy and Ally 8 years old
Smokey and Cali approx 1 1/2 years old
"the little rascals," 5 in all are 1 week old.
That means there's 10 felines here and 1 dog plus 2 1/2 humans, yea thats right the hearie one counts as a half, because he is a whole jackass, half the time.

I took one more week off from work. I figured between papers being due in the next 3 weeks, TC ASL Festival and my movies and recovering, I have enough on my plate. Tonight before I go to bed, I am determine to finish the last 2 minutes of the subtitling job tonight. Ciao!


Anonymous said...

ASSHOLE! Keep it up... the director cant kick you out nor can he not be accomodating. *rolls eyes* Best of luck for the rest of the time with him. ;)

deafeningchameleon said...

Yeah I've told King and Blondie about it, we're gonna see how this sunday rehersal goes? I dunno its really depends on how badly he needs us, if he doesn't he probably wont give a shit, we will see?