Thursday, April 06, 2006

More Machine than Man...

Remmy that line from the Return of the Jedi when Luke Skywalker wanted to save his dear old pops, Darth Vadar but was told he is more machine than man. I'm feeling a little Borg(ish) today. They put this whatchamacallit gadget on my finger to keep track of my oxygen levels and pulse rate. It has a plug thing and its reminds me of a mouse used for computers. So when they wheel me in, they will plug me in. (Ill post the pixs of the gadget later when I'm home) Its Matrix time!

God, we got here at 6 15 and the surgery isn't till 8 30. No terp so far, I hope the terp arrives shortly.

Now I'm in a stupid hospital gown and lame ass slippers. Hungry, bored and got at least an hour to kill.

Slept somewhat last night but kept waking up every now and then, thinking Mom or I would oversleep. We didn't.

I am soooo ready!

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