Saturday, April 08, 2006

Its the End of the World & I feel Fine

The above is a name of a song by REM. Currently I'm awake, which isn't often these past few days. I'm watching on the lifetime channel, "The Sky's On Fire" about a hole in the ozone layer. I love the end of the world movies.

The pain comes and goes, I do have to take pain meds every few hours or else it feels like my chest is on fire in particular areas. I'm guessing where the stiches are.

Alexa visited today, unfortunately I saw her for 10 mins tops as I was sick and had to lie down. But she did a terrific job on the TV show "Convictions" that aired last night. This show is another Law & Order spin off. She hasn't seen it yet because she was performing last night in the play "Children of the Lesser God" which ends this Sunday. If you haven't seen it, what are you waiting for!?!

Dinner last night was lovely. I still can't eat much. I think the breathing tube from the surgery and the meds I'm on makes food intake nearly impossible. I did get a few bites down last night and today. Mom got to meet Ronnie, Joe Joy, Joe Joy's man (Wally) and also she got to see Knob, Blondie and Erfo as well. Its the only activity I did since the surgery. I wanted Mom to meet some of my friends and I knew I would want a break from the apartment. Mission accomplished.

Sorry not much else to write about, gonna go back to sleep shortly, and dream about being a famous movie director with a movie starring, Sho Stern, Ty Giordano, Alexa Wailes, Guthrie Nutter, Marc Bowman, and Christy Smith.

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