Thursday, March 16, 2006

Friends who can truly ACT!

Saw Alexa's and Guthrie's play "Children of the Lesser God" it was sooo good. Way better than the movie, this play made me finally appreciate the story and how it was intended to be portrayed! Alexa you made this play relatable! Thumbs up, I forgot it was you after a while. Now thats acting!

Also saw Alexa's mom, she looks great, I just adore her mom. Her mom reminds me of my grandmother, Baba. The same gracefulness and energy comes from them both. They are both strong and unconventional women!

Mailed out my grant yesterday, whew! I will have to wait 6 weeks before I find anything out? I am somewhat discourage with my 4th movie due to having to do voice overs. I cannot get the words in sync with the performers' mouths. I do have a sound guy who I met thru Craigslist who may come out on Sunday and see what can be done. We will barter ASL lessons in exchange for sound editing lessons. He does this professionally for a lot of music videos, check him out at movie spoof madness

Had a nice dinner with J and Peep last night before the play. It was good to see J, I known him since I was 15! They both will help with ASL week and they both were in my 3rd movies, PAWs last summer.

I got to start getting props for April 1st shoot and I am dire need of a location to shoot at. I was planning to use the nearby dorm but the head of the dorm life was like "no, liability issues" which I totally get but sucks for me anyways. Gonna try to the mayors office, they have a list of locations that film makers can use in the area but I wonder what the fees are like?

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