Friday, March 24, 2006

I Hid It Too Well

don't you just hate it when you put something away in a "safe" place and then for the life of you, you can't remember where? Is that ADD? Or normalcy?

I decided to take a train instad of the bus. Being the train has more choices in travel times but the bus is cheaper. Guess my allergies outweigh my cheapness (I just didnt want to feel rush trying to catch the bus at noon today). I always am like that with myself but with people I love, I am extremely $generous.$ Go figure, I think part of it is the fact both my Mom and my grandparents raised me. Mom never had a steady income and my grandparents were children of the depression as well as 1st generations Americans. I believe that and the fact my Uncle Rob and I share a lot of common tendencies (He's cheaper than me!) I can throw away holey underwears :) I value experiences such as traveling over material possessions overall when it comes to my spending habits.

I am so excited to see my girl, Paula tmw nite. Really be able to catch up. Maybe we'll go out for a bite and then shoot some pool? I sure would like that.

I'm happy to report the "Deaf Effect" will commence due to two of my friends will probably join me in this show *yay* Perhaps we can have some lines in ASL? I already broach the subject during the 1st night of rehersal with the director. I think if there's a few of us, he may seriously consider it. While if its just me by myself in the show, probably nada. Powers in numbers. I plan to also invite 2 of my gays to join. I love that term used by Kathy Griffin where she refeers to her close friends who are gay as "My Gays" like its "my girls" or ya know I mean.


Ridor said...

Paula -- the cool gal I liked?


deafeningchameleon said...

Hi Ricky
no I think youre thinking of Karen from DC area. Paula is hearing but knows some signs and mostly fingers spells for me :)