Saturday, March 18, 2006

Peanuts NY Style Showah

Yesterday Blondie and I met up and went shopping for baby shower decorations for today's party. We aimed for orange and silver, Ronnie's favorite colors. We also made these cute peanut babies. We brought regular shelled peanuts and added eyes, diapers and other fun stuff. No two were alike. Some had rattles, other's had baby bottles etc etc...I even made this "trendy" one were it was covered in sparklies and we also made a "crack head baby" with one eye :) Everyone got a good kick out of it, see Ronnie's nickname for the baby is Peanuts. *right because at one time it was as small as a peanut* Bianca made these cute cupcakes and the place had a nice festive feel.

This was probably the 2nd babyshower in my whole life. King gave several gifts that included this cute 'Veggie Out" baby outfit, with picture of vegetables and she also gave Peanut a cute hat that looked like a carrot. I enjoyed myself and I got to hang with Keri's baby Lochan. What a sweetie, a drooler too but, what a cutie! He has these amazing blue eyes. Lochan is 7 months old and in my opinion looks way more like Keri then Nick, except he has Nick's nose. Man I am gonna miss Ronnie but now I have an excuse to visit Maine. I've gone 2xs and always enjoyed myself.

Tmw Louis the sound guy is coming over. I just want to show him what the problem is and ask him what can be done about it? I don't plan to deal with the sound issues till after the editing is done. I mean sound is always, always last. I'm a little weirded out about the fact that probably sometime next week my grant request will arrive at the Experimental TV office and they will view my sample footages. I mean I am not there to explain anything and its the fact I have to let go and wish for the best.

I forgot to mention earlier this week but two different people said that I reminded them of two different actresses. One is Toni Collette;

and the other is Juilanne Nicholson;

I dunno if I really resemble either one but its ironic to me that I got compared to both of them.


Anonymous said...

haha thats great, i didnt relize how much Julianne Nicholson looked like you. <3

Anonymous said...

^^ that was from pate btw :)

deafeningchameleon said...

really do you think so?