Sunday, March 12, 2006

Tom Uber Perlis

Good news people, I'm making some real progress with my editing today. Some days I can't get started and other days like today, its a breeze. I just have to sit myself down without any excuses and just do it! Today I am working on the 2nd part of SDI, putting the scenes in order and finalizing which scenes to use to save time later when other people do their voice overs. I have to schedule more of them this week and next.

Yesterday the damn dreamweaver (basic) workshop was cancelled again, as you can imagine I was not please. Anyhoo came home and cleaned, laundry and installed my FCP (Final Cut Pro) editing software. It came in this monster sized package. Took about 4 hrs to install! But I feel confident now especially after taking the FCP workshop on Thurs and Friday with Angel. I know if I have any questions, I can swing by his office and bug him. He didn't take me very seriously last summer. Espcially after I borrowed a light for the PAWs shoot and Handler accidently broke the clamp. Angel wouldn't loan me anymore lights :( But so far, I've worked my way back into his good graces *whew*.

Met a friend of Szymanski's last night. He directs commericials and music videos. Also does wardrobes for feature filsm, cool huh? He seems interested in my work, but to be honest. I am a little shy to show people who are in the industry because I am sure my work seems very novice. I know I have potential but I don't have all the skills yet. I want my work to show some level of professionalism, its important to me.

Thursday's night was fun. I enjoyed going to see the band Group Sounds play. I got to see Alexi too who begged me to help paint back the house in Brooklyn this Saturday (yesterday) but I declined. Its almost 2 hour commute, no thanks. The band member Joe was happy to see me, gave me a big old hug and kiss on the cheek. I also saw Ryan the modeling agent there too. Its ironic but I enjoyed talking with Blondie, King and Knob more than going to the club itself. By the way it was this cool Jewish place called Mo Pitkin's. You can check em out at
Mo Pitkin's I would like to go back sometimes and try out their food.

Blondie did a terrific job in her show last night. It was cute and a lot of fun. Eddie made it out and surpirsed me by bringing along Joanne, an old co worker of mine. I adore Joanne, she's this loud mouth, butch, in your face woman. She and I hit it off when I first started working at Media Services a year ago in Febraury. She brought her girlfriend Isabel who is very nice too. I also saw Westbury, he asked about Tom which of course I replied, he is his same old, bitchy self. Westbury gave Tom his middle name which is Uber (it meams 'evil' in German). I got to meet Vess beau, very cute, just like their pictures.

Only 2 more days till the mediation meeting between myself and my roommate. Things in general have calmed down immensely, between us. We are civil and polite. I am glad he leaves me alone more now. I only plan to dispute the amount I pay at the meeting and the right to have a lock on my door. Nothing more. I will also definitely print out the innappropriate emails he sent me. To ask he not do that again in the future? I am much more relaxs these days because I don't think he wants me to move out for real anyways. Besides who else would put up with him and his inability to be considerate of others?

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