We've come along way in space exploration so I am not complaining. It hasn't even been a century since we sent a man to space. I am particularly interested in planetary studies and deep space, as well as whether or not the universe is infinite or finite (big bang). Recently there was a program on the M theory which follows on the string theory. The M theory proposes there are 11 dimensions and its really complicated but it reminded me of Plato (I think thats the philosopher who said this) that our universe is like a cell on a larger organism. Its all relative, size and time. I am glad I was born in the time period I was. I wouldn't miss this for the world.
Today 3 people made it for the voice over. Yay, now 7 more to go. Looks like Im gonna have to do them 2 or 3 at a time. All 3 of my actors did well. I was a little panicky before it started because the camera I had, (the same one from the other 2 SDI shoots) its wiring for power, the plug and the input gagdet were wrong :( I had no power source for my camera! Well, I went into McGuyver mode and return to the studio where there were two other cameras set up and took the less frightening looking one. I know Angel the guy who is in charge of the equipment can be uptight and that wasnt the camera I was assigned to. I was honest tho, left him a note explaining why and to be sure all of the wiring was correct? Man, if I ever get a good digital video camera, I am gonna study the manual like its a bible. I've been spoiled because all of my other videographer except one were experience and have their own fancy camera. I am grateful the school loans me the equipment, so if anyone says boo about the quality of my films, tough cookies. Besides, "I've always depended on the kindness of strangers"
Came across this. Try it. Enjoy :)
create your own personalized map of the USA
Yeah I know, I seem to be bias about where I visit. I say, forget the heartland, bible thumping, gay bashing, KKK activist, hunting for fun, methodnia hooked, suburbs and PTA, all white wonder bread part of America. And immerse yourselve in diversity, adversity, challenges and independence.
I as well has always been fascinated w/ Astronomy. When i was living in oregon i took an astronomy course attending community college and for a 2-day-a-week-3-hours each i found it to be the shortest 3 hours of school EVER. Knowing the sun is the most common star in the universe, studying adjacent galaxies, constellations, etc.. i couldnt get enough of it so i know how you feel, Jen. :)
the math part of it sucked, but otherwise i liked it a lot.
really, I like the math. Its all about memorizing formulas. But some of the theories in physics are hard for me to wrap my mind around.
Thats so cool, I never knew that about you. We re gonna hit a planetarium show when we hang again. Better start checking to see where there's one in Myrtle Beach for our trip to visit Sowwy next summer!
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