Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Racoon Eyes

Today suffered from serious dark under eyes! Its due to two factors, a bout of insonmia and ALLERGIES! I must pray to the Zyrtec Fairy for a refill soon. I do have sudafed on hand but tired me forgot to take it before I left for work and school. I hate Spring only because my allergies are at its worst.

Saw "Chronicles of Naria" with a bunch of friends tonight. It was pretty good. Yeah a lot of Christian undertones but I grew up reading the 1st book and watching the cartoon version. This one was very good. I hope Hollywood will do the other books in this series?

Got to hang some with Joe Joy tonight. He was having a good hair day! He is my set designer/prop guy for the 3rd part of SDI. I am getting a feel of who can make it and who cant? I may have to advertise for actors on DNN & other websites. I am so ready to get the script on paper. I have the scenes all ready in my head and some of the dialogues. Its all good. I cannot wait for the final results. It s gonna be good folks. Worth the wait. I am very proud of everyone who has been a part of this. I dream of paying a crew and actors in future productions. I love teaching but I also love filming and its hard for me to find a balance between the two. I am also dealing with senioristis at grad school this semester big time.

I have been contemplating on whether or not it would be of interest to start gathering references made to the "deaf experiences", "Hearing/deaf relationshsips", the variety of interest expressed in deaf blogs? I know there s a few deaf blog roll but is anyone even bothering to research the effect it has on the deaf community and does it run parralell to the hearing community? I did bring that up in class tonight, my professor is agitated that theres no real new literary or art related movements at this time. Yea I agree we are behind in a lot of ways when it comes to art and media related areas. I hope we catch up soon in the next decade. I'm still reeling from this young lady who at a wise age of 19 has this to say As Ridor calls her, "the crazy woman" which is really a child. and doesn't know what she's talking about. I have a lot of Deaf pride. There's nothing wrong with that nor do I go around feeling sorry for myself and abuse the dole system. She really should've thought twice before that posting. It reflects poorly on her and no one else.

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