Tuesday, May 09, 2006

"Because she doesn't say 'Hi'"

This above phrase has been bothering me and now its dawned on me why. This remark makes it seem as the protest was based on something so simplistic. To portray Deaf people as individuals who would go to the lengths we have over something that trivial? Come on, isn't this 2006? Plus its being overplayed by the press and media

But before this becomes about Audism. I want to examine the heart of that phrase "she doesn't say hi."

Tis its true, being at least amicable or pleasant in the Deaf surroundings goes a long way. I'm not saying be everyone's best friend. Just pleasant or at least respectful. I remember CLEARLY both Knob and I writing letters to JKF about our feelings on her "plans" for MSSD and how it was not boding well but did she ever answer our letters? No! And this was back in 1995, 1996! 10 years and she's clearly the same. If she doesn't even have the basic skills to schmooze within her "own" community, what makes any person, deaf or hearing think she can schmooze where it really counts?

Or is she in fact a symbol of what so many Deaf people fear? Someone who is an enabler of a paternalistic attitudes by society at large? Someone who will continue to have lower standards for all D(d)eaf, hoh, CIs, etc etc... because they have low standards for themselves? And sadly, perhaps even unknowningly projects this on those around her?

Today, we as deafies reside and thrive in all metropolian cities and out in the homeland. We are THRIVING, slowly but surely we are making our mark in the world. We are being heard. And more importantly we are moving away from the 2nd class citizenship. We are making strides in all fields and no longer work only at the following three places;

Post Offices
Printing Pressrooms

Right now we as a whole, we want to move Forward not backwards. We need a leader who is aware and interactive with many communities (deaf or hearing) to truly lead us in the eyes of the mainstream world. Not someone who blantantly thinks they deserve it and damn everyone who gets in the way on one more "achievement" they can glorify themselves with.

I strongly believe if there is a new search committee established, within the next 6 months they will find a candidate who is truly the leader based on all of their skills, not just their resume which well, we all know; all resumes look good at face value.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i truly appreciate these words you have layed down. they are true, and needed.