Monday, May 08, 2006

Deafening Chameleon goes to Gally!

These past few days have been crazy! I handed in both of my papers today around 3pm. I was up till 6am working on the SLA paper and I am exhausted! Work was easy and now I am home, sort of zombie like but excited. WHY???

cuz I cannot ignore the my inner activist spirit. I am going to Gally to show the BOT (board of trustees) that even deafies in NY don't want JKF! I'll bring them liberty and my demands for DUE Process! I know Baba will not be thrilled because I should be apartment hunting but you know what? I need a break. I need to get out of here, even if its only for 2 or 3 days. I miss my friends in DC. I havent been there since last Dec/Jan! I am already thinking up good protest signs to make. I leave for DC Wednesday night and plan to return Friday or Saturday at the latest. I know there's a chance it may end before then but thats ok, I feel better knowing I am doing my part the best I can. I cant go right tomorrow, I need a day to rest, do laundry and work a little wed before catching the 6 30 pm bus to DC.

Yesterday I dragged myself out of bed, after the whole thing with the ASswipe the night before. I had to get up for Garrett's reading "Quid Pro Quo" which Alexa and Ty starred in. Wow, it was so well done! I enjoyed it and it really captivated my attention. King will vouch for me that I am easily bored at plays in general so the fact I was so tired and still was hooked from beginning to end shows Z Garrett knows what Z is doing. Then a bunch of us went out for a very late brunch at Eden 44 (I think that was the name of the place) I had the best French toast with "Irish" bacon, excellent and fresh rasperies....*drooling like Homer Simpson* There were a few famous people that we got to rub elbows with. I didn't know either one of the 2 we saw but its ok, they didnt know me, so fair is fair.

Yay, just saw David Blaine emerge from the bubble! Its so neat living in this city, always something cool happening and all so close by. I remember a while back when he did the "Froozen" in a block of Ice stunt. Truly a master of endurance and mind control and determination. I wish I was that disciplined!

Joe Joy just emailed me with some great slogans, tmw I will pick up some posters and markers, whee for I am with glee because its anti Fernadoozy time!

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