Monday, May 15, 2006

Catching up with my life;

Well now that I am done with Tent City, I can resume my normal life, sorta. I mean it still hangs around in the back of my mind. Obviously I will be following FSSA progress.

[Update 5/16/06 12:18am;
I must THANK Joey Baer for adding me to his website. I have had over 175 visitors. Undy before I had maybe 30 to 40. And you do do? WATCH this clip from Mos Deux You Must Not Quit video. I want to add how impressed I am by the cinemagraphy of the shots and editing. Good job Mos Deux]

Saturday I woke up at 2pm from the bus ride back from DC. I immediately started my laundry. I was completely out of socks, undies and pants! I was suppose to meet a friend for dinner but I knew I wouldnt get there on time. So we agreed to meet at the theater where the "Necklace" was being played at. Guthrie, Dax, and Alexa are in it, and I am a big fan of theirs. But the A train, oh brother, express, local and then express again. I ended up missing the whole play because of the screw ups by the A train (grr). Karloff (Erfo, hope you dont mind me borrowing that nickname?) and Lewis were there. Luckily for me, Lewis was able to get my ticket put off till the 5pm Sunday showing and lucky for me, I was free Sunday nite. Anyhoo, we three headed over to Manhattan from Brooklyn for the 11pm Burlesque show. Since we had an hour to kill, we hit a nearby diner. Order drinks and desserts. Ty saw us in the window and ended up joining our table. I kinda scolded him for not going to Gally for the FSSA protest but he had conflicts witht he issues. I hope I was able to enlighten him on the reality of what was happening down in DC.

I gotta admit, I was tired but I knew I would disappoint friends if I didnt go and give my support. Here are some pixs of what I would call the only known Deaf Burleque show in the US. Undy this is a mix of deaf and hearies but nonetheless, its a BURLESQUE show! You can check about the show at Honi Harlow. They will be taking a summer break and returning in the fall. So deafies if youre planning to visit the Big Apple, this is a must see show!
The photos below were from Saturday night's show where the theme was "Alice in Funderland"

Honi Harlow (hearie), and one Mystique (deafie)

Loretta Love (deafie), Honi Harlow (hearie and signer) and Mystique (deafie)

Jabberwocky done by deafies in ASL by Loretta Love, Noir Nutella and Big Bronx;

The Blue Bunny (hearie)

Then Sunday I helped out with a MICA rehersal. I cannot say much more except it was fun, because I was filming :)

After that I headed back down to Brooklyn to catch the "Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant. Alexandria Wailes, Guthrie Nutter, Darren Fudenske starred in, produced by NYTD and directed by Garret Zuercher at The Great Room theatre. I will tell you one of the things I enjoyed the most about this play was it was all in ASL! None of that bi bi, sim com crap. I am sorry but I am a little tired of seeing "terped" plays and its just nice to see a play in ASL and just relaxs. I applaud NYTD for their efforts considering their major budget cuts and they still pulled off a fantastic play! *Hand Waves*

Today I mostly emailed about apartments, worked some, saw Blondie, worked some more. Came home and uploaded the photos. I think I better hand back the camera before I become dangerous *grins*

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