Friday, May 26, 2006

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

Been packing, working and editing the past few days. Blondie came by Wed nite to help me with some of the furniture. We did a good job and I'm about 85% done, the last of it consist of dishes, glasses that need to be washed b4 packed, some clothes, my futon which will be taken care of Tuesday night. Monday night, Tom, my bastard kitty will go live with Knob and also it will be my last night sleeping in the same apt as AssWipe! Yay!

Last night after work, got to hang with King, Knob, Norton, Theresa, and Blondie at Radio Perfecto. They have an excellent penne with vodka sauce and shrimp, yummy. It was nice to take a small break and just socialize.
I'm now on my way to PA for the weekend. I'm thinking about getting highlights added to my hair, or in my case darklights. I'm yenning for a small make over. Man Penn Station (34th st) was PACKED. It was like a sea of faces. I brought these cool organge tights and lacey tights at this one store called Elegance at Penn Station. I'm pretty sure Knob told me about it and ladies if you have a chance, check it out, cool threads.

The editing project is done for now, till I get the additional footage from June 3rd and June 10th. So far, so good. I really focus a LOT better at work when it comes to editing. If I end up living in a studio, I'm gonna build some kind of division to create a brightly lit area for work, film, editing purposes. I want a nice desk, the crap one I brought wasn't very good and its already falling apart, I'm not taking it with me when I move. Knowing AssWipe, he'll hold on to it because the man is a human garbage disposal and king of the rubbage hill!

The kittens are becoming wild now, a lot of biting and they don't realize their claws on my bare legs SCRATCH! Owieeeee. But I love them all anyways. Will miss them. And ofc Snowney the dog :]

I also wanted to add, Ridors blog today had submissions by VP op(s), interesting to read but most of it was common sense. I LOVE VP! And Isight relay, its one of the best technological advancement if you ask me!

Also if you haven't brought your MICA tickets, what are you waiting for?!? Go to Hope to see a lot of deafies there!

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