Saturday, May 13, 2006

Photos from Tent City

Got home at 5am, work up today at 2pm!

Ok I didn't take any pix my first night (Wed the 10th) my bad :(

Lets start with Thurs the 11th, approx 4pm;

Here is FSSA headquarter of Tent City, this (Fowler Hall) is where the FSSA reps meet regularly;

The white guy on the laptop is one of the FSSA reps name Sean Moore, he and Latoya Plummer were spokesperson during the rallies.

The guy in the blue shirt and yellow tie, is name Ryan. Great kid and it was a pleasure to meet him. He's the one who sells Unity for Gallaudet Tees and the Tent City Postcards for FSSA.

Here are some FSSA supporters hanging out inside from the rain downpour outside of the headquarters and a picture of "Tent City" postcards. 2 for a buck $1...

Next are photos of what I call the "press" room of FSSA. Here supporters could check the internet for any new media articles, for supporters to blog about Tent City etc etc;

Thats Stephen Hilbok ( VP & Sr. Financial Advisor for Merrill Lynch) sitting next to Tawney Homles a FSSA rep who practically lived in that room, busily tying away.
Here's a group of supporters taking a small break and watching my SDI part I movie/ The guy in the white shirt and blue tie is the Mayor of Tent City, Chrius Corrigan (I spelled his last name wrong in the previous entry). Sitting next to him on the chair is Robert Arnold, a ASL expert and FSSA supporter. I will see him next week as he will be in town teaching at NYU. And yep thats Bridgetta Bourne standing there in the blue tee. Nice lady and it was an honor to meet one of the original DPN leaders. (I already met Greg Hilbok many times while working at MSD-CC)

These are photos of Tent City and the protest signs!

Here's Commerson, respecting the PNG ban on him. He's such a good guy, here he is helping someone who is lost with directions :) Commerson and I go way back at MSSD. We marched for the gay/lesbian pride parade back in 90 or 91' we both have been activitsts for years!

Here's Cole! He has been actively filming the protest, you can view his website Digizure Studio for videos from the FSSA protest

Here's Ridor watching SDI part I in the media area;

Unfortunately I have to hop into the shower before heading out to meet a friend for dinner then going to the play "The Necklace" directed by Garrett Z. If you crave more, go to Joey Baer's site. Will post more photos later tonight or tmw... stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

FSSA stands for Faculty, Staff, Students, and Alumni

Correct me if I'm wrong.


Anonymous said...

Gosh, Jenners, you sure make a good photo journalist. Too bad you couldnt do a documentary of the proceedings in Tent City and of political agents indirectly or directly connected to what is happening with the protest.

Thanks for the updates.

deafeningchameleon said...

my pleasure :)
Will finish uploading the photos tonight

ps Sharpe you are correct (yes FSSA stands for Fac, Staff, Students and alumnis)

Keri said...

Wow, nice to see Bob Arnold in the pics! We used to work together at SLC and I also stayed with him for two weeks before moving back to Vermont. Nice guy! =D

deafeningchameleon said...

Yeah he'll be returning to NYC next week to teach at NYU, so he'll be around for a few months