Wednesday, May 17, 2006

FSSA is Alive and KICKING!

What a terrific letter writen to the Washington Post by the FSSA editorial Team, you can view their website FSSA. I am relieved to see the FSSA group will not go quietly into summer, but LOUDLY!

Letter to Washington Post
Written by FSSA Editorial Team
Wednesday, 17 May 2006
The Washington Post May 16, 2006 Tuesday A16

What's Driving the Gallaudet Protests

In an attempt to divert observers and the Gallaudet University community from serious, underlying issues about her selection as the university's next president, Jane K. Fernandes has endlessly spouted the official line that the protest is about identity politics, signing fluency and her being the wrong "kind" of deaf person ["The School Year Concludes, but the Controversy Does Not; Fernandes to Resign as Provost, Concentrate on Transition," Metro, May 13]

Nonsense. In 28 years as a faculty member at Gallaudet I have seen which faculty members have earned the students' respect. Many of them are, of course, deaf or hard of hearing. However, a great number of these respected faculty members are hearing, and many of them are not fluent signers, but it doesn't matter to the students. What students want most from their teachers is competence, a respectful rapport, and the ability to listen and respond sympathetically to their concerns. Without these qualities no teacher or administrator can ever earn the students' trust or respect.

University Park

Well yesterday at work, since its pretty dead here due to graduation and summer school doesn't start till tmw. I was able to make a lot of calls inquiring about apts in both Brooklyn and Manhattan areas. Some for apts to rent, others for rooms to rent, meaning roommies. I have to just accept that I may have to live with roommates for another year. Wow in my life at MSSD, Gally, MD and now NYC I must have had well over 100 roommates. The best by far were;

Mona Lisa

Funny, all of the above are deafies except for Mona Lisa who was this cool hearie chick I lived with for 6 months b4 moving to NYC. She was from Panama. I always wondered why her folks named her Mona Lisa? I have had bad luck with hearie roommates, so I plan to have a lock on my bedroom door if I have roommates. Not up for discussion, its a MUST. I have over $3000 worth of equipment and software, not to mention mini dvs with my movies that are one of a kind that if anything happened to them, I be shit out of luck.

Hung with Blondie and Cain last night, Blondie made wicked Apple Martinis and I paid for it this morning when I woke up with a splitting headache at 8am! I of course, downs some excedrin and made myself go back to sleep, occassionally waking up to inhale water. Finally woke up feeling better. No more drinks for me this week.

Tmw I will see 5 apts or rooms for rent in Brooklyn. I have one room to look at tonight at 8pm off of 137th st and Broadway. I want to consider all my options before making any decisions.

Been toying with some new ideas to film or perform. Blondie is working on some new songs and we may team up with a few other deafies to create a line up for next fall. Plus I need to email the one guy who is finishing his residency in Psychiatristy (sp?) and has been working on a transgender documentary for 2 years now. He needs help with the editing and it will be used nationwide in numerous psychology conventions on whether or not trangenderism is really a "disorder" that belongs in the diagnoses DMX (I cant remember the accroynm) but it has 5 levels and within each level if the client meets some of the symptoms, the shrink can label them as whatever they see fit. I am glad to help him out with his project as many of you know, I am really into psychology and LGBT rights. Having so many friends who are gay or LGBT friendly, it would feel wrong not to help.

I've gotten a lot of feedback on my photos in my blog. Blondie wants me to continue taking photos. I am still waiting for my federal and state taxes to be refunded, but I will use some of the $$ to buy a decent digital camera.

alirghty gonna head to the computer lab where I can use their IMacs to make more Vp calls, latah bruthas and sistahs


Anonymous said...

MMMmmmmm apple martinis.. *drool*

ive been hooked on blacktooth grins for a while.


double shot of crown, splash of coke, stir.

= orgasm.

I'm glad you are considering your options when its coming down to the apt search too, its a big city, a crooked city, an expensive city.... im sure you'll find one hell of a gem though. Miss ya!

Anonymous said...

I'm sooo honored that you considered me one of your good roommates in your lifetime.

Having a good roommate is a tricky one. I had the share of good and bad roommates. I've only live alone once for 3 months before having a roommate.

I do have the crave to live alone because everything in my place will remain the same where I left when I step out. And of course bring ladies with me without the hassle of introduce them to my roommates and make the weird moments. haha

Good luck on your apartment search. It's worst part of getting a place!!

deafeningchameleon said...

Hey Sharpe
today was a little better, saw one place that is a serious possibility, the guy will confirm yes or no on tues, meanwhile its back to the hunt. I may end up bunking with Blondie, Tom with Knob and my stuff in Erfo's room. I wasn't gonna look today but the guy wouldnt be around this weekend, so tmw Im taking a 1 day break, I am already going crazy!
ps yea when we all lived at 506 L, it was fun, I enjoyed you and Otis and Jacob along with Ryan and the others.