Saturday, May 06, 2006

The Police just left....

I am very upset. I came home from the school library and working on finals to find my stuff shoved in my room from the living room where I had boxes (about 4) packed on my bed. Excuse me, I am moving out mofo, I need a place to put the boxes! Then he had to nerve! The nerve to ask me for my keys and I asked him why? He wouldnt tell me why and Erfo wasn't home so I wasn't gonna give them to him. I was afraid he take the keys and then lie that he hadnt. He followed me into my room and closed the door, I told him to get out. He wouldnt and kept lunging for my keys! I asked him 4xs to leave, he laughs and finally leaves. I was so upset and shaking I went downstairs to get some fresh air and grab a little Chinese food for dinner.

I came back up feeling a tiny bit better and as soon as I entered, he was trying to take the keys away from me. I literally darted to my room and at the same time telling him to leave me alone or I'd call the cops. "Why don't you. What will they do, I can have the keys.. blah blah blah" fine so I called the police and two very nice officers came by and informed him that I do NOT have to give him my keys. That he has to leave me alone and if it happens again to call them again. I am still pretty upset and I can't focus on my paper, argh! I wanted to get a few more hours in but I think tonight is shot as far as school goes.

I don't believe in revenge, (I did when I was younger) but I do believe any harm or bad mojo you inflict on another human being, comes back to you in three-folds and I'm not gonna mess with my Karma.

I just HATE ASswipe!


Anonymous said...

Oh man!! Sometimes karma can make expectations under the circumstances. So you can take your revenge and karma will totally understand and take it back to that asswipe threefolds. :)


Kate O. Breen said...

you did the right thing!! asswipe is way off his rocker. count the days til you move out xoxo

Anonymous said...

What an ass! Hold on for few more days, and ya will never have to deal with him for the rest of your life.

deafeningchameleon said...

thank you all so much for your support. Yeah I am feeling a lot better these days, especially because I can and will lock my bedroom door at all times.

JRS said...

he's obviously gone a bit schizo. do take care of yourself, my dear.

Anonymous said...

If you ask me he needs to be ass raped with an icepick bad. Too bad i cant be there to laugh @ that glorious occassion should it happen.

deafeningchameleon said...

Pate you had me rofl!

Carrie said...

Shit, that Asswipe needs to move out himself. What an anus. Honey, I am so sorry you are dealing with such a crappy roommate... damn. You don't deserve that. Hope you're feeling alright and let me know when you move out. Mwah! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO

deafeningchameleon said...

what happened to your BLOG?!
I miss YOU!